Saturday, December 25, 2010

Beneath The Beauty Interview in Full with Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox - Montana Wall of Corruption

Watch Part One and Two Above

Posted Here by
Montana Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

Buy Full Beneath The Beauty Documentary

Bitterroot Rising Archives - the Truth Will Remain the Truth. Hamilton Montana Corruption Exposed

Bitterroot Rising Archive 1

Hamilton Montana Police, Perry Backus Ravalli Republic, and My Day in Hamilton Montana Seeking Justice.

August 21st 2009 - the Day I Went to Hamilton Montana to Get a Protective Order.

After This Clip, we Were met outside by 6 Hamilton Montana Police Officers. Only one was concerned with why I came there, with real justice and real facts. The Other 5 simply cornered, questioned and harassed Michael Spreadbury Whom I had just met in person the Night Before.

Not one of those Hamilton Montana Police Officers investigated my case, and one cop from Stevensville did take me aside and give me advice... however it was like it was helping me in secret, for he said this was in the Hamilton Courts and Hamilton Cops Jurisdiction...

See the Point of 6 cops showing up and within minutes was to Discredit Michael Spreadbury to protect the Wall of Corruption in Hamilton Montana and the point was NOT to help Montana Victims seeking Justice with Hamilton Montana Police, Hamilton Montana Judges, and Hamilton Montana Courts.

Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper showed up within minutes, NO one was interested in why I was there or what was really going on, the 6 cops and Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper were interested in harassing Michael Spreadbury.

See My Death Threat Talked of Tons of Bullets, and Guns.. and all kinds of horrible threats and not just to me but other Montana Citizens, and in the Best Interest of Ravalli County Tax Payers and all of Montana, those 6 Hamilton Montana Police Officers should have took a good look at my threat, which in minutes with a fax to google, yahoo or the other proof I brought.. . they could have tracked the Source.. but the motive of those 6 Hamilton Montana Police Officers and of Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper was to shut up, discredit, silence, create a fake story on Michael Spreadbury. Why? Well because Michael Spreadbury, protect supposedly under Montana Media Laws, well he was writing on the Corruption in the Hamilton Police Department, Corruption in the Ravalli County Attorny Office and Corruption within the Hamilton Montana Justice system as a Whole. And my Constitutional Rights or those 6 Hamilton Montana Police Officers doing their actual job was not what they were there for. And it was certainly not the Story that Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper was looking for.

My Death Threat, My Wanting a Protective Order had Nothing to Do with Michael Spreadbury. I went to Hamilton Montana because the Man I feared lived there ... I went to film the Denny Rehberg Listening Session, I went to Interview for the Documentary Beneath the Beauty - Yet
those 6 Hamilton Montana Police Officers made My Story out to be all about this man I had just met, all because he was telling their dirty little secrets on the Internet.

I Called Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper, a couple hours after I left the Court House and told him not to print anything before he got my side of the story. Once Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper got my side, nothing was printed as the Point of Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper was to get something incriminating on Michael Spreadbury and was not to actually write the real news that would affect Hamilton Montana Citizens. Though you all had a right to know..

I will One Day Post some Video Clips from that Day.. See from the Clip above.. Michael Spreadbury did not say much, basically he just gave me a ride from the Denny Rehberg listening session as I was interested in his story and wanted to visit him.. it certainly exploded into something far stranger that I had ever anticipated..

Much More on my Day In Hamilton Montana Coming Soon.. and 3 Weeks after this Day, I HAD to go back to Hamilton Montanan as Justice of the Peace, Robin Clute GAVE an Illegal - Not Based in Fact or Law - Protective Order to The Man I feared, against ME..

Also Note that Protective Orders are NOT Mutual In the State of Montana. And that the Discriminating Constitutional Rights Violating, Woman Hating, Good Ol' Gal Hamilton Montana Justice of the Peace, Robin Clute gave a Man I was deathly afraid of a Protective Order against me... and Did not even have the Human Decency to make it a Mutual Protective order Thereby Enabling the Man I feared to Ruin my Career,harass me, threatened me for 17 more months and counting... 12 of those months protected by the Corrupt, Illegal - NOT Based in Montana Law Corruptive Order by Justice of the Peace, Robin Clute

Also Note here that I asked Justice of the Peace, Robin Clute in court that day of my hearing if she wanted to see the paperwork, Hamilton Montana District Judge, Judge Haynes gave me on all the Reasons BASED in Montana Law that he denied my Protective Order, She YELLED.. "This is My Court and I don't Care What Judge Haynes has to Say"... Soon I will post clips as I recorded that Hearing... ( All Montana Courts should Be a Court of Record by the Way - What are they Hiding if Not ?)

More Coming Soon on this Story, as it is a Classic Example, a Perfect model of what happens to Montana Victims of Montana Corruption all over the State...

You have a Right to NOT have your Constitutional Rights Violated, you Have a Right to expect that Montana Judges, Montana Attorneys and Montana Law Enforcement will abide by the Laws of the State of Montana. You have a Right to Transparency, Integrity, Fact ... from your Montana Judicial System.

posted here by
the Montana News Media
by The People, for the People
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Montana Legislative Report - Aubyn Curtiss


Aubyn Curtiss , SD 1

December 12, 2010


Almost last minute maneuvering by an outgoing Lame Duck Congress has resulted in Montana ’s interests in danger of being compromised by none other than Senator Jon Tester. The 12 page alert issued Saturday by Citizens for Balanced Use warns that Senator Jon Tester is attaching his controversial wilderness bill, S1470, into the “must pass” Senate Omnibus Spending Bill.

Sanctioning of legislation which so blatantly violates both Federal Law and our U.S. Constitution is totally irresponsible and arrogant on the part of the outgoing congress. Because of far reaching ramifications it epitomizes a nightmare to private property owners and public land users everywhere. As early as September of ’09, testimony heard at a public meeting at the University in Missoula indicated that both constitutional and legal issues in the bill needed to be corrected, but Senator Tester has never even attempted to address those critical issues.

Over 30 citizens, legislators and county officials testified against the bill and its provisions at that well publicized Missoula hearing. Only one indicated that it might be amended to make it more palatable. Although Tester has conducted several public meetings, not one critique has been allowed into the bill’s public record, other than comments submitted in support of wilderness. Though Tester claims statewide support for the bill, that is not the case and officials repeatedly assert that public input has beenhighjacked! Over 3,000 signatures were gathered in direct opposition to the bill.

Beaverhead County Commissioner Mike McGinley has said: “This is nothing more than a payback to Tester’s Environmental east and west coast friends for financing 70% of his election campaign. The Senator is fully aware of the fact this bill violates the 1964 Wilderness Act and other federal laws, yet he will shove this down our throats. Over 600,000 acres of new wilderness, mostly in the Beaverhead Deerlodge Forest .”

Although the 74,274 acres designated the “Three Rivers Special Management Area” and the “Roderick Wilderness Area” on the Kootenai National Forest seem minimal compared to the overall, Lincoln County residents have long been adverse to more wilderness designation. In a 2000 primary election they voted 82-9.7 against more roadless designations. Subsequently 1600 Lincoln County residents, mindful that forest health can only be maintained through active management policies, and who believe that access to public lands is vital to their interests, have signed and submitted petitions to that effect to the Senator and other members of the Montana Congressional Delegation. Not one has acknowledged receipt of the petitions. Can it be true that agendas of the Montana Wilderness Association, Trout Unlimited and organizations like the National Wildlife Federation drown out the voices of Montanans with legitimate concerns? If this bill is allowed to move through the system, that will forever be the case! Specific violations of federal laws requiring public input will guarantee that very thing. Such congressional dereliction of duty would be beyond comprehension.

Space prohibits in-depth consideration of the legal defects in S1470 so I will only itemize the following Acts, Laws and the U.S. Constitution where violations have been identified:

National Environmental Policy Act

National Forest Management Act

Multiple Use Sustained Yield Act

Endangered Species Act

Clean water Act

Clean Air Act

Data Quality Act

Council on Environmental Quality regulations

Administrative Procedure Act

Federal Advisory Committee Act

Separation of Powers requirements of the U.S. Constitution

Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Citizens for Balanced Use and others sharing concerns about this travesty are encouraged to contact any and all senators, and urge them to disallow this “by pass” of the congressional hearing process to expedite flawed legislation, the passage of which can only result in dire consequences. This trampling of citizens rights appears nothing short of criminal. Senator Tester can be reached at 202-224-2644 and Senator Baucus at 202-224-2651. "

Monday, December 13, 2010

Deputy County Attorney Resigns, Ravalli County MT

This letter is being written to thank Geoff Mahar, Chief Deputy County Attorney for his great service as prosecutor. This letter will remain professional, unlike the demonstrated service Mr. Mahar has shown in a public courtroom.
Mahar to pass tortch
Lee Enterprises Photo

I’m wondering if Mr. Mahar knew that the Prosecutor Watch for Ravalli County was #1 in the world; largely due to his ability prosecute in a courtroom. People in New Zealand, China, Australia, Netherlands, France, Russia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, England, Germany, and beyond were fascinated by his technique to remove constitutional rights, belittle young adults with his polished ways that were condoned by his former boss, George H. Corn.
Ravalli Co. Democrats

Who will hold you accountable for your actions Mr. Mahar? Last time I checked we, the people pay your salary at $75,000 a year here in Ravalli County. It was you that had information on one of the Ravalli County Detention Center victims who had risk for suicide, yet somehow that information did not make it to the jail, as is told in a newspaper article from the time. Was that just a professional oversight, and within a reasonable officers purview? If so keep prosecuting, and revoking those “criminals” trying to make a living for their families here in the Bitterroot, trying to make the payments for child support, which is awfully hard when there are concrete blocks on three of four walls, the floor is made of concrete, and the dimensions of your world are 8’ x 15’ with a roommate displayed on the 6’oclock news as the armed burglar du joir.

One thing I have learned while watching you Geoff is that you like your tasseled loafers, and you enjoy unloading on people’s rights in front of a judge who gives it up to the state; paying penance for his DUI convictions. I really liked when you questioned an arrestee who lived 741 feet from a protected person, and the restraining order decreed 1000 feet. Leaving for work would have been a violation of the court ordered protection. The best part was the admittance by the Hamilton Police Department of no probable cause for the arrest (I was in the courtroom and heard this firsthand). This is why we have a new chief law enforcement officer.
Fulbright via Facebook

Geoff, I think the best part is your oath of office to uphold the Montana Constitution for the citizen’s protection; aptly named Individual Dignity. This inalienable and protected right found in Article II Section 4. Within that section is equal protection of the laws: something that escaped your work for us here in Ravalli County: if a prosecutor or law enforcement won’t protect rights, who will?
One of the funnier moments was when you declared to the court how the Judge needed to “keep people safe on the road” to a defendant who does not drive, or owned a vehicle. The plea agreements you hammered out with Corn were so intrusive, that at times the public defenders could only try to uphold their client’s rights. The scales of justice need to be balanced again, when you gracefully leave the Ravalli County Prosecutors office.
Holding the public accountable is what you are famous for here in Ravalli County. So when a guy who usually is holding the GOP banner was vouching for Corn, I’m wondering how comfortable you will be knowing that “we all know” who you are, including those 4 Million hits to Prosecutor Watch on Google.
google search image
Geoff, they were watching you in amazement. What reasonable prosecutor approaches the bench and then asks permission: Geoff Mahar of Ravalli County. What person prosecutes a person for not registering for the state sexual offender database who was not convicted? Again Geoff Mahar (check the Federal Courthouse for Ray v. Mahar). Usually overzealous at a job is good, in your case; it did not let Justice bring Prosperity to hard working Americans in Ravalli County Montana.
The Budget of the RCAO went up 507% since Corn was in office, due to homegrown terror: commissioners confessed that they “felt they had guns to their heads” pressuring them to sign Corn’s proposed budget. Since population growth was only 168% during those 20 years, coupled with the current vacancy rate of homes, the revenues to the county is not there to support your astronomical salary. We are not willing to support a prosecutor who walks all over defendants; outrageously when innocent, and neglects to presume innocence prior to, or at trial.
I identify your name on a motion to continue a trial on July 30, 2007 that would violate the constitutional rights of the Defendant, and the matter was ultimately dismissed. You knew, of should have known that a right would be violated, which nullifies qualified immunity as prosecutor in that matter. This brings liability to Ravalli County, and you as a prosecutor who made an immense professional error.

Look what the light of day brings to a court officer whose own word is that he will resign if George Corn does not retain office. The truth Mr. Mahar is that your immunity is up, you word is no good, your abuse of office well known, and frankly, I don’t think you’ll know how to work for a County Attorney who promises to uphold the United States and Montana Constitutions. Geoff, you are used to making up your own law, in your own courtroom, with no one holding you accountable. The sun now shines on Geoff Mahar: chummy with George Corn, who was considered invincible, and answered to absolutely no one.
Those days are over Mr. Mahar. Your resignation respectfully required.
Thank you for all of your hard work over the years, it is time to sign off one last time asChief Deputy Ravalli County Attorney. "

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vitamin D Benefits - Vitamin D Supplementation - Evidence of High Vitamin D Dosage Benefits

We Do Need Vitamin D and Well A Good Amount of It.
Do your Homework for yourself.

Click Here to Find out More about a Liquid Vitamin D Supplement

Vitamin D and Your Immune System
Reports on Vitamin D

Vitamin D Prevents Parkinson's Disease

Crystal L. Cox
Good Life International

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Montana Shooting Sports Association ~ Please ACT!! Montana Hunting, Gun Rights Needs Your Voice. Demarie DeReu Needs Your MT Gun Rights Voice.

This is an outrage. Every one of us makes mistakes. Too Err is Human.
Let's help make reason and common sense prevail in this situation.
Paul Stramer

Please help this young lady.

Montana Shooting Sports Association Announcement

"From: Gary Marbut-MSSA <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 6, 2010 8:00 pm
Subject: Outrage in Flathead County, Montana

Dear MSSA Friends,

Outrage is right!! Please ACT!!

Demarie DeReu

Sixteen-year-old Demarie DeReu is an honor roll student, a member of the Columbia Falls (Montana) High School Student Council and a varsity cheerleader. Although she has no intent to break any rules or laws, or harm anyone, Demarie is at risk of having her college education derailed and maybe even being identified forever as a domestic terrorist.

Why? Demarie went hunting over Thanksgiving with family and friends. She forgot that her unloaded hunting rifle was cased and locked in the trunk of her car. When she arrived at school, she parked in the school parking lot because to park anywhere else is an expulsion offense at CFHS. Upon hearing that the "contraband dog" was to be working the school parking lot, Demarie remembered her unloaded hunting rifle secured in the trunk of her car AND she voluntarily informed school officials.

Next monday, December 13, at 6 PM, Demarie will face her expulsion hearing before the local school board. She will possibly have her life derailed because a bunch of school idiots insist that she must be subject to an irrational, "zero tolerance" policy about guns in schools that does not countenance lack of bad intent. The theory that people with malice will be intimidated into good conduct if people without malice are punished in lieu of them is idiocy at its finest.

At the upcoming hearing, education officials will tell school board members that they have no choice - that state law and good gamesmanship require the school board to levy harsh and record-destroying punishment against Demarie. They will be wrong!

The controlling Montana law about this is 20-5-202, M.C.A., which says about expulsion for bringing guns "to school," "... the trustees may authorize the school administration to modify the requirement for expulsion of a student on a case-by-case basis." Further, "to school" is not defined in 20-5-2-202, but is at 45-8-361, M.C.A. as "... in a school building." Demarie's hunting rifle was cased and locked in the trunk of her car in the parking lot, but not "in a school building."

What can you do about this outrage?

Forward this message to every gun owner you know, in Flathead County, in Montana, or elsewhere.

Send messages to school officials and school board members. Use your own words and be polite. Remember, they think they wear white hats, even if you don't think so. It IS okay to say you feel very strongly about this, but no profanity and no name-calling, please.

School Dist 6, 501 6th Ave W. Columbia Falls, MT 59912

Mike Nicosia Superintendent
Alan Robbins Principal
Scott Gaiser Asst. Principal

School board Members
Jill Rocksund
Dean Chisholm
Barbara Riley
Darrell Newby
Gail Pauley
Jim Henjum
Larry Wilson
Scott Emmerich

Copy to the local newspaper. The local daily newspaper would very much like to receive a copy of whatever you send to these folks. Please copy the Kalispell Daily Interlake at:

Email suggestions. For your emails, I suggest a Subject line of: "Free Demarie DeReu"

In addition to whatever else you recommend to administration and school board members, I suggest you include the following:

1) Demarie DeReu should be given no more than a verbal warning that she should not in the future pack her hunting rifle to school (I think she's learned that by now);

2) Demarie DeReu should be given an award for being honest and volunteering to school officials about the unloaded and cased hunting rifle locked in the trunk of her car;

3) Demarie DeReu should be held out as an example to other students for her participation in essential wildlife management in Montana; and

4) That when the Legislature considers education funding in the upcoming legislative session, legislators will consider the outcome of this case as an example of how schools are using taxpayer resources in Montana.

Show up. Finally, if you are in Flathead County or within driving distance, gather all of your friends and show up at the CFHS school board hearing next Monday, 12/13/2010. Better yet, show up at the CFHS at 5PM with picket signs that say "Free Demarie DeReu." There ought to be 1,000 of you there!! Organize!! Show up!!

Thanks loads for your help with this.
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana "

Posted here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox