Thursday, December 31, 2009

IRS, IRS Fraud, IRS Harassment, MSSP, Pocket Commission, Sherry Jackson, Tax Scam

IRS Secrets
People are SO Scared of the IRS
you Earn the Money - they Take it...
they Tax You, and Tax You,
the more you Make the More you Pay
and they do NOT use Your Taxes To Benefit You,
you have No Real Rights, No Real Due Process,
you are Not really protected by Law Enforcement and Judges,
you are Lied to about Cures for Disease.

It is Time for you to Demand Accountability and
To Stand in Truth.
the Tax Law is a Fraud?
Wake Up Folks...

We Don't Owe Income Tax
Why are We MADE to PAY it.
no tax
Enforcement Pocket Commission
Non-Pocket Commission

If you File You Waive your Amendment Rights
Check out Sherry Jackson's Website

tax Law

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Calling all Skeletons in Denny Rehberg's Closet - Congressman Denny Rehberg it is Election Year Coming Up and Well Time to Find Out the Truth ..

This Picture to the Left, I have a Video of This Moment, it is From the Bitterroot Star.. From a Town Hall Meet and Greet in Hamilton Montana the Summer of 2009. This is the Look that Denny Rehberg was giving one of his Native American Audience Members as she asked about Health Care and Native American Issues in Montana...

Those of You Search for Denny Rehberg On my Sites, search for Congressman Denny Rehberg Biography or Information on Denny Rehberg and his Boat Crash on Flathead Lake in Montana...

Well I just Want to Say on my Montana News by the People News Network, First of all if you got a Denny Rehberg Tip - you Can Email me at ...
Next We are Getting information that those involved in Investigating the Denny Rehberg Crash on Flathead Lake have been told to STOP or Else.

We wonder what investigators might find that Congressman Denny Rehberg might be Hiding... We suspect that there was a whole lot more to that Drunken night then Congressman Denny Rehberg is willing to admit, and Denny Rehberg's Cronies surely won't tell you what he was really up to and with whom.

We wonder who was really driving that boat, who had how many drinks REALLY and what really happened that night.. as well as heading into an Election Year and All the Montana Moxy news Network ran by Mad Dog Blogger Crystal Cox, yeah that's me..
I wonder how many Skeletons will Fall right out of Congressman Denny Rehberg's Closet in 2010... how many Denny Rehberg Whistleblowers will turn up...

Well Anyway... Calling All Skeletons... Email me at or better yet write on our News Network or send us a Video Clip of Your News to You...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Newspapers Lie to You - People Get Hurt More - Demand Accountability from Newspapers

What if We the People Sue Major Newspaper Chains in our Area, such as the Lee Newspaper Chain in My Area, a Class Action Lawsuit for their Lies and Propaganda that got you into Real Estate Debt, that got you into bad financial situations, lied to you about area crimes, wrote fraudulent stories about citizens and businesses for political or financial motive and basically just treated the Citizens Minds as play dough in which they had all the power and control.

You read their newsprint, with No Accountability for what they write as actually being true and you believe it over the actual people who were actually there at that particular event.

Why is this? I mean they start a paper, print what they want.. Politicians and Local Muckity Mucks pay them to promote or HUSH certain news... and this is their business... kind of like making a Deal with the Devil.

Big Media Feeding you Spoonfulls of Gibberish, Flat Out Lies, Misleading you on Gas and Oil, Lying about why we are at war, and in the small towns lying ... creating news to make certain people look like the bad guys when in FACT they are the GOOD guys, people ... MOST still believe the news.. especially in Small Towns...

Stop Big Media News Chains like the Lee Newspaper Chain from controlling what you get to know, controlling your perception of reality, setting you up, lying about you ... keep you down and profiting HUGE from it....

Don't Buy their Papers, don't advertise in Big Media Cartel ... Don't Click on Ads on their Websites..

Stop THEM from Feeding you Bull and Keeping you in the Dark.....

These Newspaper Chains SHOULD not get a FREE PASS to lie, while at the same time you Rant at Me because you think what i am saying is NOT true, though it is. You throw a fit at me saying where do i get my information, is there any fact to it... Yet you Don't ask this of the Big Newspaper Chains or your Local News, Why?

Time to let the Newspapers Know that you will No Longer Accept their Twisted Version of Reality, their Flat Out Lies, their Misleading Gibberish and Well you are DONE supporting THEM.....

Bloggers are the News, Bloggers are the New Journalists, Bloggers are telling you what is really going on in a particular town and newspapers are Old News long - long before they hit the stands.

Your Ad Dollars are Wasted in these Newspapers as Well. In this Economy, in this Day and Age the Internet is Where you Need to Be and not feeding the insatiable appetite of Newsprint and the Big Media Cartel.

Write on Our Blogs... Get Heard... Let's Get the Real News to "We The People"

Email me to Write on our Network of Blogs
crystal cox blog

Crystal L. Cox
Truth Seeker
Industry Whistleblower

Crystal Cox Blogger

Saturday, December 26, 2009

James Kiser, Ex - CEO of St. James Hospital in Butte

News To Me Tip on St. Joseph's in Polson Montana, CEO James Kiser

It is Said that the St. James Hospital in Butte got turned upside down and it was in near collapse when James Kiser "resigned".

the story of Dr. Anna Chacko.

It is said that James Kiser hired Dr. Anna Chacko along with her cohort Scott Steinfeldt. They made a mess of the private/public radiology lab. There were no less than four lawsuits and now the hospital is on the verge of collapse. Dr. Anna Chacko name is said to be featured
in all four of these lawsuits, and it is said that James Kiser brought her over.

Full Story on This at Link Below.

Dr. Anna Chacko left St. James a few months after James Kiser left.

Here's what happened to her ...after she left there and went to the Pittsburgh VA.

Dr. Anna Chacko took over as head of the Pittsburgh VA in October of
2008. Almost immediately, colleagues and other staff filed formal
complaints about her behavior.

This included complaints about bullying, threatening, lying, and refusing to do her required clinical work. In March of this year, things came to a head. An administrative investigative board was formed to determine of Dr. Chacko should be removed. In April, that was the recommendation of the board.

At this point, Dr. Anna Chacko reached out to Congressman Brad Miller.

Miller has his own history with the Pittsburgh VA. He lead an investigation in the Science Sub Committee he leads into a destroyed strand of legionella at this Pitt VA. That investigation concluded in September of 2008. The conclusion was scathing in its criticism of Dr. Mona Melhem. Dr. Melhem is an administrator at this Pittsburgh VA.

It appears that Dr. Chacko was able to convince Miller that her potential ouster was all being orchestrated by Dr. Melhem. I say this because that's exactly what Congressman Miller said in a letter dated May 15 to General Shinseki, head of the VA. He encouraged Shinseki to
reinstate Chacko and instead investigate the Pittsburgh VA itself. In fact, a couple weeks later Shinseki's office did override the Pittsburgh VA and had them reinstate Chacko.

Upon her return, Chacko's behavior didn't change. Once again, complaints were formally filed and they reached as high as the office of the regional director, Michael Moreland. Finally, in late October, Dr. Anna Chacko was put on indefinite leave and another investigative board was convened. She hasn't returned to the Pittsburgh VA. I can provide the name of a congressional source that can verify all this.

I am including the letter I referenced. I'm also including court filings from Butte, Mt. This is a civil case of Kristi George V Dr. Anna Chacko. George worked with Chacko at St. James hospital in Butte, immediately previous to Chacko working at the Pitt VA. George accuses Chacko of the same kind of behavior as she was accused of at the Pitt VA. In fact, I've tracked Chacko and this is all part of a pattern of behavior for decades but that's a whole separate story.

Here's a local story about George's suit.

As you will see from the court filing, Kiser didn't due his due diligence in protecting
George from Chacko.

Source: News Tip...

Friday, December 25, 2009

JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Stolen Trillions. Shut Down the Federal Reserve.

"In response to Mark DeCambres' recent article "Jamie Dimon seen as good fit for Treasury" in the 11/24 edition of the online "New York Post," blogger Crown_Royal observed:
"Well Goldman-Sachs had their turn to STEAL trillions by placing ex-employees into gov. positions, so why can't JP Morgan? I mean it makes perfect sense. The SAME people who created TRILLIONS in debts for the USA and then stole TRILLIONS more in tax dollars, should def. be trusted to run the US Treasury! The Federal Reserve needs to be shut down, they are bankrupting the USA."

Source of Post and Lots of Good Stuff on JP Morgan at Link Below

JP Morgan

Thursday, December 24, 2009

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Update on the Montana Grand Jury! - Duane Sipe

"November 10, 2009

The Office of Montana’s Secretary of State Has Accepted a Draft Ballot Initiative Seeking to Provide the Citizens of Montana the Ability to Summon Grand Juries By Petition

Stevensville, Montana, November 10, 2009 – The office of Montana’s Secretary of State (SOS) in Helena has accepted a ballot initiative, to be reviewed by the office of Legislative Services. This is the beginning stage of placing the initiative on the 2010 general election ballot.

This initiative has been labeled ‘Ballot Issue #18’ by the SOS, and is a Constitutional Initiative (CI), seeking to amend Montana’s Constitution, providing for the ability of the citizens to summon Grand Juries by petition.

Currently, the Montana Constitution only provides that a District Judge, at their discretion, may summon a Grand Jury. Article II, Section 20, Paragraph 2 states: “A grand jury shall consist of eleven persons, of whom eight must concur to find an indictment. A grand jury shall be drawn and summoned only at the discretion and order of the district judge.”

Serving as a ‘check and balance’ for the Constitutional Republic known as the United States, the Founders had preserved for the citizens, the right and ability to assure that the public servants kept their activities in line with the intent of the Constitution, and its Bill of Rights, which were ratified on December 15, 1791.

The term Grand Jury is mentioned only in the 5th amendment to the United States Constitution. It is meant to be a right retained by the people. It is a citizen function, not a government function, as the public has been lead to believe.

What do the courts have to say?

“An independent grand jury is to stand between the prosecutor and the accused, and to determine whether a charge is legitimate, or is dictated by malice or personal ill will.”

”Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906)

The Supreme Court states that the independent grand jury’s purpose is not only to investigate possible criminal conduct, but to act as a “protector of citizens against arbitrary and oppressive governmental action,” and to perform its functions; the independent grand jury “deliberates in secret and may determine alone the course of its inquiry.”

United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338 (1974)

Article IV, Section 4 of The United States Constitution says: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government …” And, Montana is this form of government. As such, the Montana Constitution states in Section 1: “Popular sovereignty. All political power is vested in and derived from the people. All government of right originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.”

And, in Section 2: “Self-government. The people have the exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent state. They may alter or abolish the constitution and form of government whenever they deem it necessary.”

The Founders’ intended for the sovereign citizens to ‘lend’ the public servants their specific duties. Among these is the preservation of constitutionally protected rights. The servants are not in a position, and do not have the ability to take away these sovereign, constitutionally secured rights and powers of the people.

Amending Montana’s Constitution as indicated will serve to restore the Founders’ intent, at the state level, regarding the position of, and political responsibilities required by, the citizenry.

Duane Sipe"
Source of Post
montana news by the people for
the people

Friday, December 11, 2009

Melinda Gopher is seeking the State of Montana's sole Congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"Melinda Gopher, 44, an Ojibwe / Blackfeet from Missoula, Montana is seeking the State of Montana's sole Congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. While many glass ceilings have been shattered; a Native American woman has yet to be elected to the U.S. Congress.

Gopher's running as a progressive Democrat and focusing her campaign on jobs. The current recession has hit Montana's communities hard, even though the state unemployment rate is not as critical as the overall national rate of 10%; it is deceiving. Montana does not count long term unemployed workers who have given up.

Melinda is a civil rights activist, and blogger. She is a Paralegal but decided to run for the U.S. House believing she can make a difference in the nation's capitol. Melinda Gopher believes the nation does not have to choose between cap and trade and carbon taxation as revenue raising; rather, clean energy must be pursued to create jobs no matter what.

Melinda supports the Employee Free Choice Act as a means for keeping American labor strong. She believes corporations have gone unchecked, and have had a negative impact in DC. This has led to the loss of jobs and outsourcing of jobs to artificially inflate corporate profit margins. Gopher believes exploiting labor forces in foreign countries is detrimental to the world economy in the long term. Loss of workers' rights has created unfair trade policies between the U.S., China, India to point to a few examples. Corporate exploitation and economic coercion do not create win/win partnerships: something Gopher wants to create.

Gopher supports overhauling the nation's ailing housing sector. She believes the low-income are mired in HUD programs of the past. Not enough of the nation's low and middle income people are building personal wealth equity--resulting in lost economic power and a declining tax base. She believes there must be revolutionary changes in the national housing policy that will reverse the housing crisis. She would enact laws ending financial apartheid in America, and ban policies mired in the FHA redlining legacy. She vows to "pick up where Bobby Kennedy left off" in ending American poverty.

Melinda is the spouse of a combat disabled veteran and cares about veteran issues. She believes the VA ratings system is broken, she currently supports the efforts of national veterans groups to work with Montana Senator Jon Tester to fix the system so that it works for veterans.

Melinda Gopher is a long time civil rights, tribal sovereignty, and environmental activist. She believes HUD has been a weak institutional home for civil rights and supports the creation of a cabinet level agency for civil rights. She believes state-by-state laws on gay marriage are the wrong approach and unjust. She believes the federal government must beef up the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Amendments to include sweeping protections for gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals.

Melinda Gopher points out, "the black codes are a disgraceful part of America's past. The state-by-state approach are the black codes for the LGBT community, why are we tolerating this inequality?" She believes to ensure an end to discrimination against gays and to provide for their full civil rights--will require federal intervention as was done in the 1960s civil rights movement.

Melinda Gopher has been a civil rights practitioner since her early 20s. She was the only Native American panelist in the 1994 National Fair Housing Summit and worked to enact fair housing protections in Montana. Melinda Gopher has worked in the public and private sector on fair housing.

She believes the nation needs another Fair Housing Summit to address the subprime crisis. She points out, "not enough is being done to ensure Americans keep their homes, and participate in the American dream of homeownership."

Melinda Gopher knows her candidacy is improbable; she believes her voice is needed to address the lack of effective Native American leadership in the state Democratic party. She believes the Native Americans advancing in the political party pipeline in the state are tokens and are placed in positions where they are politically neutered.

She is a vocal critic of Senator Max Baucus's mishandling of state tribal issues, his failure to address long term and chronic unemployment in the state's seven Indian reservations and urban areas. She has criticized the Senator over taking single payer off the table in health care reform. Melinda Gopher is likely to challenge Baucus in 2014 when he comes up for re-election."
melinda Gopher

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Baucus Nominated Girlfriend for U.S. Attorney

"WASHINGTON—Sen. Max Baucus, one of the most powerful members of Congress and a key figure in the health overhaul debate, recommended his girlfriend to serve as the U.S. attorney for his home state of Montana, a Baucus spokesman said Saturday.

The disclosure was first made late Friday by Sen. Baucus's office and came as other media outlets prepared to publish stories on the issue.

Baucus spokesman Tyler Matsdorf said the senator and his girlfriend, Melodee Hanes, began their relationship in mid-2008 after the senator separated from his wife. At the time, Ms. Hanes was serving as the senator's state office director.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont.
Mr. Matsdorf said the relationship was "in no way" the cause of Sen. Baucus's recent divorce.

Mr. Matsdorf said Ms. Hanes "began the process of resigning her Senate employment" after she and the senator "realized that their relationship was developing beyond a purely professional nature." She left the Senate payroll early this year.

As part of the transition, Ms. Hanes, who has extensive experience as a prosecutor, applied for the U.S. attorney post. Ultimately, she was one of three finalists recommended for the job by a third party attorney who was given the job of reviewing candidates for the job. Sen. Baucus recommended her to the Obama administration, "with no ranking or preference," for the post, along with two other individuals, the spokesman said.

She later withdrew, however. "While her personal relationship with Senator Baucus should in no way be either a qualifier or a disqualifier for the position, during the nomination process and after much reflection, both Senator Baucus and Ms. Hanes agreed that she should withdraw her name from consideration because they wanted to live together in Washington, D.C.," Mr. Matsdorf said.

Ms. Hanes now works at the Justice Department, and "was awarded the position based solely on her merit," the spokesman said.

The episode is sure to be an embarrassment for Democrats and will likely prove distracting for Mr. Baucus, as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee tries to navigate the sweeping health bill through the Senate.

The disclosure is the latest example of a scandal in which a lawmaker's personal life and public obligations have intersected, following on the heels of revelations involving South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and Nevada's Sen. John Ensign. "
