Friday, December 25, 2009

JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Stolen Trillions. Shut Down the Federal Reserve.

"In response to Mark DeCambres' recent article "Jamie Dimon seen as good fit for Treasury" in the 11/24 edition of the online "New York Post," blogger Crown_Royal observed:
"Well Goldman-Sachs had their turn to STEAL trillions by placing ex-employees into gov. positions, so why can't JP Morgan? I mean it makes perfect sense. The SAME people who created TRILLIONS in debts for the USA and then stole TRILLIONS more in tax dollars, should def. be trusted to run the US Treasury! The Federal Reserve needs to be shut down, they are bankrupting the USA."

Source of Post and Lots of Good Stuff on JP Morgan at Link Below

JP Morgan

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