Friday, February 17, 2012

David Carr of the New York Times pretending to do investigative reporting, yet David Carr LIES, turns victims into criminals. And my Guess is the Philadelphia Media Network CEO Greg Osberg story is not Different. David Carr is a PROVEN Liar, and has No accountability for his LIES.

This is Ridiculous, you Shouldn't Lie to David Carr, what a Crock of Shit that Is.

David Carr Flat Out Lies, Sides with Criminals, Does not have one objective part in his stories and my guess is that David Carr is on the wrong side of the law and the WRONG side of the Moral Compass in this one as well.

David Carr is the Pencil Neck on the Left
I will Soon Sue David Carr for Defamation and So Should Greg Osberg. As David Carr spoke to me, and knew the other side to the story, and though I already was served up a $2.5 Million Dollar Judgement and plenty of hate, David Carr of the New York Times served me up some more by deliberately defaming me, all to protect corporate greed and the abuse of government programs at the taxpayers expense.  Why trash an investigative blogger doing what he does, talking to sources and posting a story?

I guess David Carr does not have much stomach for investigative bloggers as David Carr does not have a clue how to investigate a story and David Carr simply listens to the yammers of alleged spineless, ball-less, nameless sources instead of reading documents, reading contracts and looking at the real proof of the story that does not come from the mouth of the SIDE that Dave Carr of the New York Times Decides to take.

Below is from the Jim Romenesko Blog - The Title Really Got me as David Carr is a Liar, I told David Carr the TRUTH and he Printed the LIE. So it does not matter what you tell David Carr of the New York Times, David Carr will twist the TRUTH, the Documented Facts to support his own lying agenda and to keep the wall of corruption firmly in place.

Here is the Article:


"....Amy Chozick and David Carr’s New York Times story on the Philadelphia newspapers saga.

New York Times reporters David Carr and Amy Chozick started working on their Philadelphia newspapers story on Sunday, and heard “persistent reports” of a meeting taking place during which Philadelphia Media Network CEO Greg Osberg told editors that he’d be overseeing articles about the impending sale of the Inquirer and Daily News."

"“I got in touch with [PMN spokesman] Mark Block on Tuesday,” Carr says in a phone interview. “He was spinning some, but he was helpful and direct and he was also trying to keep his boss’s exposure sort of at a minimum. I knew Osberg from his time at Newsweek and had always had good dealings with him. I heard some bad things [from Philadelphia sources], but I had an open mind about talking with him.”
David Carr, New York Times

By Wednesday morning, Chozick and Carr had multiple sources confirming Osberg’s meeting with editors, and the two knew they were going to use it in their story. “So that was one of my first questions [to Osberg]: ‘Did you hold the meeting with the three editors?’ and he said no. I said, ‘You know this is going to be in the newspaper, so I’m going to give you one freebie. I’m going to give you a chance to amend that answer.’”

Again, Osberg denied there was meeting.

Just before ending the interview, Carr gave Osberg yet another opportunity to admit that the meeting took place. He wouldn’t do it.

Carr says: “I asked Amy afterwards, ‘Do you think he choked? Why did he do that?’ We really couldn’t figure it out because word of that meeting was all over the building.”

"Later Wednesday afternoon, Philadelphia Daily News editor Larry Platt said on the record that the meeting took place. “He wouldn’t go into details,” says Carr, “but those we already had.”

Carr then told Block in an email that Platt confirmed the meeting that Osberg said never took place.

“He said, ‘What time are you closing?’ I said 7:30, and so at 7:50 he sent me a 200-word statement from Osberg acknowledging that the meeting had taken place.”

Here is Osberg’s statement to the Times reporters, time-stamped 7:56 p.m.:

I made it very clear in this February 7 meeting, that I was not suggesting ever taking control of the editorial process, nor was I planning to change any reporting policies going forward. Any suggestions to the contrary of that position are categorically denied, as I stated to you during our interview this morning.

What I did tell the editors that attended this meeting is that I would like to be advised before any articles are published on the subject of Philadelphia Media Network’s possible sale, so that as Publisher, I would not be blind-sided by a story publicly, without receiving advance notice. In view of the sensitive subject matter of the sale, as Publisher, I would have the prerogative to make such a request and it would not be uncommon to receive such notification.

Carr called the desk — after his deadline — and told editors about the statement. They were able to add a sentence to the story.

“It made me angry,” says the reporter. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been through something like that before: No, it didn’t happen; no, it didn’t happen; no, it didn’t happen; and then, yes it did.”

“I was angry.”

Source of David Carr Gibberish.

David Carr was angry? Who gives a Shit?

I show 3 years of possible corruption and David Carr is so blind to the real story that he does not investigate any part of it and instead discriminates against a female blogger whom was exposing corruption in the US bankruptcy courtsDavid Carr has no right to say I am angry, and all the other cock and bull David Carr is blathering as news.  I am the One who should be angry and so should the other victims of David Carr's Lies. As he has ruined lives with no remorse and acts angry over this, what a crock. David Carr does NOT investigate a story and David Carr listens to the yammer of sources such as liar Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group and his attorney David Aman of Tonkon Torp BOTH of whom were involved in the Summit Bankruptcy Scandal. Which David Carr did not even bother to look into.

David Carr, "heard “persistent reports” What? that sure sounds full of shit, I gave David Carr leads to documented proof on my story. David Carr of the New York Times Sure seems to believe the scuddle, the persistent voices of non-authority over documented proof. David Carr of the New York Times is an idiot at best.  

David Carr Bullshit Regarding the Greg Osberg Scandal
"“I got in touch with [PMN spokesman] Mark Block on Tuesday,” Carr says in a phone interview. “He was spinning some, but he was helpful and direct" Says the Article above, what a Crock this is .. David Carr spins and spins and turns victims into criminals with out ANY reading of documented facts.  David Carr is so full of shit, I was "helpful and direct" and honest, and David Carr of the New York Times Flat out Lied about me. David Carr is a classic case of you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. As David Carr is shown proof, documentation and still goes with the LIE over the Documented Evidence.

"By Wednesday morning, Chozick and Carr had multiple sources confirming Osberg’s meeting with editors, and the two knew they were going to use it in their story.." Again what a bunch of bullshit, multiple "sources", I gave David Carr leads to documented proof and David Carr uses the blathering of alleged facts from the mouths of supposed "multiple sources" to ruin this guys reputation, and in the name of what? protecting whom?

The article goes on to say "I said, ‘You know this is going to be in the newspaper, so I’m going to give you one freebie. I’m going to give you a chance to amend that answer.’”", I say what a Fuck Head David Carr is, one chance to amend your answer, then he will ruin your life with no proof.  David Carr is a lying asshole, with agendas that are NOT of the Public Interest. Do not ever TRUST getting your news from the LIES of David Carr.

*"Carr says: “I asked Amy afterwards, ‘Do you think he choked? Why did he do that?’ We really couldn’t figure it out because word of that meeting was all over the building.”"

Gossip and Blather, that's news to the Lying alleged "Journalist" David Carr of the New York Times, office clatter is NEWS to ex druggies like David Carr who cannot read documented proof.  David Carr relies on gossip and word of mouth for his story, and David Carr refuses to READ and investigate FACTS.

Documentation, Depositions, Videos, Contracts, Tax Information, and more were available regarding the Truth about Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group, but instead of looking into the story David Carr of the New York Times simply trashed me, lied about me and though word, documented word was all over the WORLD regarding Kevin Padrick, David Carr simply took his side over Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox and chose to defame her, me, without investigating easy to read documented proof.

David Carr flat out LIED saying that there was no one else who had issue with Obsidian Finance Group or Kevin Padrick and that seems to be protected by Law. I expose real corruption and tell the TRUTH and am not protected by Law as media, but David Carr of the New York Times, flat out lies, KNOWINGLY about me, Crystal Cox Blogger and there is no protection for me, as the Law protects the LIES of David Carr. Gee.. um I snorted to much cocaine and really believed my source.. your honor.. wa la no accountability for Dipshit David Carr to ruin lives, careers and run amok.

Let's See one of the worlds biggest Law Firms, a Billion Dollar Solar and Finance company sues a penniless blogger and Dumb Ass David Carr does not look into the Financial Companies and Lawyers but instead lets my clients, family, friends and the world believe I am an extortionist, that I attacked an innocent many with the power of my blogs and David Carr lied flat out claiming he looked into it and there was no other issues with this man, Kevin Padrick. All flat out lies, meanwhile EVIL David Carr is using the power of his voice at the New York Times to to ruin lives, families, careers, quality of life, credibility and without really reading documents or studying anything but simply listening the yammer across is phone heard through the woman hating, prejudices, discriminated, biased ears of New York Times Ignorant Reporter David Carr.

See David Carr took the Word Of Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group. David Carr interviewed me himself and did not print my side. This article talks of several sources that told David Carr of a secret meeting? Does Dave Carr of the NYT's have to name all these sources? See I had 3 years of documented sources, depositions, videos, court cases, videos of Kevin Padrick at meetings, news articles, tax documents, contracts and more and David Carr of the New York Times took this Evidence and told his readers that there was no reason for what I wrote about Kevin Padrick. David Carr defamed me, on purpose, after talking to me. With 3 years of documented sources, depositions, videos, court cases, videos of Kevin Padrick at meetings, news articles, tax documents, contracts available online, David Carr flat out lied to protect Kevin Padrick by saying the Truth Wins, and saying there was no one else with issue with Kevin Padrick when you can easily read that there is plenty of documentation to prove that my story had 3 years worth of merit.

DO not Trust David Carr of the New York Times and his Secret Sources, as David Carr Flat Out Lies to protect criminals and has no investigative skills.

David Carr of the New York Times talked about my writings on my home town of Lincoln County Montana, and my Montana corruption writings and instead of looking into a massive wall of corruption in Montana that involves the top politicians and drug companies in the world, David Carr simply slammed an investigative blogger reporting on the story.

David Carr trash talks my writings exposing Proskauer Rose Law Firm and Ex Supreme Court Judge Judith Kaye yet David Carr does not look into massive amounts of documented proof.

David Carr trash talks my stories of Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes and of CEO of Intel Paul Otellini yet David Car refuses to investigated the documented proof.

I have not dug into the Greg Osberg story as I am swamped right now. However, I am betting that David Carr is the Asshole in this one.  Seems like a petty story, that is regarding the career of David Carr and personal issues to me. Yet David Carr ignores a story such as the many I write on that affect the public at large in a very real way.

Do you have a tip on the David Carr smackdown of Greg Osberg? What is the Truth about Greg Osberg, my guess is the Truth is the Exact opposite of what lying asshole David Carr suggest. As I personally told David Carr the TRUTH in my case and David Carr lied to the world about me, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox. David Carr of the New York Times used his power, not for the good to investigate corruption in the New York Courts that I Blog about, not write on the SEC Corruption I post on, not to investigate the massively corrupt Proskauer Rose Law Firm or the whitewashing in the New York Justice System, not to Investigate the iViewit Stolen Technology, nor to look into the real story of Lightsquared, Philip Falcone and those who set him up to keep Clearwire and Verizon in Business.

See David Carr of the New York Times is a Spineless, Ball-Less Ex Cocaine Head, who cannot think for himself and instead let's big money tell him what to say.  David Carr of the New York Times does not have the authority to speak the Truth, for David Carr of the New York Times is a whipping boy for big media and to protect the wall of corruption that big media like the New York Time protects.

I, Crystal Cox Blogger am TRULY independent, I get tips daily because I am very good at search engine placement. I read documents and investigate stories in a way that Spineless, Asshole David Carr of the New York Times simply cannot because he has a BOSS, he has Ad Dollars, Politics and Big Media to Answer to and I answer to NO One.

Expose the Lying, Life Ruining Weasel David Carr - Email me all the DIRT, documents, videos and indescresions. As David Carr of the New York Times, thinks it prudent to lie about me, defame me and make me look like a criminal when really I am the voice for the victims of big corporations, bankruptcy courts, corrupt judge and lawyers and I am the REAL Independent, NOT bought and Paid for Media that tells more of the truth than David Carr dare to.

David Carr of the New York Times is weak and rely's on bad information and his own Ego to write his stories and posts no proof of documents or "Reality". Do NOT ever Trust a Story from Dave Carr - David Carr of the New York Times.

Dipshit David Carr lied about the WRONG Investigative Blogger. And now the Obsidian V. Cox LIES and blathers of David Carr of the New York Times will be his Online Legacy.

David Carr of the New York Times answers to Big Media and David Carr of the New York Times does not tell you the truth, the whole TRUTH and Nothing But. David Carr of the New York Times uses his power to ruin lives instead of truly investigate stories and make the world a better place for the greater good. David Carr of the New York Times lies about me, defamed me, trash talked me and FAILED to investigate the document proof of my 3 year old story.  I will EXPOSE every indiscrestion of David Carr of the New York Times, every late night romp, every video and document I receive, every secret that David Carr of the New York Times wants to hide, I will make sure that this information is found in the search engines.

Got a David Carr of the New York Times story, video, or any information .. DIRT on David Carr of the New York Times ? Email it to Me, I am Blogger Crystal Cox and I will EXPOSE David Carr no matter what, even if the Liars, Thugs and Thieves murder me, I still have bloggers in place to take over where I leave off and EXPOSE every dirty trick, dirty deed, perverted thought, illegal action, and well pretty much EVERY Single Thing regarding David Carr of the New York Times.

Defame Me, Lie About Me, Discredit me to my family, friends, and the world and the truth is I give voice to victims, expose whitewashing for elite law firms, expose bankruptcy courts, expose judges and those who create victims and David Carr of the New York Times sides with the wall of corruption and without investigative any documents of evidence.

Research links on documented Proof of Corruption involving Intel Corp., Proskauer Rose Law Firm, Foley and Lardner Law Firm including Michael Grebe, USPTO Corruption, New York Court Corruption, Warner Bros. Corruption, Lockheed Martin Corruption, CEO Jeffrey Bewkes, CEO Paul Otellini, MPEG LA  and more tech companies, media companies, and law firms as well as US courts in the stealing of a 13 Trillion Dollar Technology ~ the iViewit Technology.

David Carr of the New York Times cannot read and his brain was gone long ago with all the Cocaine he snorted, so you will have to research the stories yourself, instead of simply believing me bad, wrong, defaming or in some way harming the innocent. Think for Yourself and DO NOT believe David Carr of the New York Times.

Over 1200 documents of Proof and Dumb Ass David Carr of the New York Times simply states that Blogger Crystal Cox is defaming and there you have it, no research, no documents linked or proven just the word of a cocaine head, woman hating, blogger hating "alleged" journalist ...

Do your Homework.

David Carr of the New York Times flat out lies to protect Elite Lawyers, New York Corruption, and Big Media. David Carr is part of the PROBLEM and not the SOLUTION in the Culture of Corruption.

Got a Dipshit David Carr Tip, Email your David Carr tip to investigative blogger Crystal L. Cox - .

EXPOSE David Carr of the New York Times - I am Dedicated to exposing David Carr of the New York Times, please email me your tips regarding David Carr of the New York Times.

David Carr of the New York Times has made and ENEMY for Life, in Me, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, by not bothering to Investigate a story and ruining lives with total disregard for the facts of the matter, and with complete lack of accountability.

David Carr of the New York Times is an asshole, indeed and David Carr of the New York Times has the power to of big Corrupt Media behind him with total disregard for the public at large and bringing down the wall of corruption in the US court system that protects big corporations, elite lawyers and liars like Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group.

Do your Homework, Think For Yourself, Believe NO One.
READ, Study, find the TRUTH for yourself.

NEVER listen to 
David Carr of the New York Times. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie ~ Free Choice of Medical Science. You have a Right to KNOWN Cures. Fight Back. ~ Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie - "Why Aren't Cures Readily Available?"

Free Enterprise is not really available in the "Medical Industry". They have killed off all competition. It is not about FREE Medicine, Free Health Insurance, it is about letting YOU know about known cures and you educating yourself and demanding that the FDA stop hiding real nutritional information from you. Dead Doctor's Don't Lie Folks, learn all you can about real nutrition.

 Dead Doctor's Don't Lie 

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie. Information on Dead Doctor's Don't Lie and Cancer. Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie, Dr. Joel Wallach ~  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie 

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  ~ "2. Cancer.
When doctors get information on Cancer, you would think they would photocopy that when they send you that bill, instead of threatening you with collection agencies, they should send you some of the photocopies of this stuff.

In September, 1993, the National Cancer Institute, not the National Enquirer, and the Harvard Medical School in Boston did a study on Cancer patients, and they came out and said an anti-cancer diet was found. When the National Cancer Institute sent that information to your doctor, he leaned back in his chair, wadded it up and did one of those things, right in the waste can. He's real good at throwing that stuff in there. The only thing he reads is, "Oh, I get gold golf clubs if I sell 20 prescriptions of Prozac per month."

They picked China to do their study, because in one province, Henon Province in China, they have the highest rate of Cancer in the whole world. They took 29,000 people for 5 years in this study, and what they did is give them different vitamins and minerals at double the daily recommended allowance for Americans. Now that's a trivial amount.

For instance, they use vitamin C for one group, and the RDA recommended daily allowance for vitamin C is 60 mg, double that to be 120 mg, you can't go into a health food store and get a tablet or capsule for less than 500 mg for an adult. And of course Lynus Pauling, the gentlemen with 2 Nobel Prizes, says if you want to prevent and treat Cancer with vitamin C you have to use 10,000 mg a day.

All the doctors who used to argue with him 35 years ago are all dead, and today Lynus Pauling, still 94, works 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, in his ranch in the Big Sur in California, and teaches at the University of California, San Francisco. So you have to make up your choice whether to listen to the dead doctors or Lynus Pauling. Your choice.

Vitamin C, doubled the RDA, nothing happened. Vitamin A, doubled the RDA, nothing happened. Zinc, Riboflavin, the trace mineral Millevdinum, Niacin, nothing happened. In one group they had a major benefit. In this group they got 3 nutrients at one time. They got vitamin E, they got Beta Carotene, and the trace mineral Selenium. Those 3 were double the RDA. (If you get a half percent benefit in any nutritional or pharmaceutical experiment, you have made a major improvement in humanity's life. So these articles get published. I want you to remember that statistic. Half a percent is major benefit).

In this group that received the 3 for 5 years, deaths from all causes were reduced 9 percent. Almost 10 out of every hundred, or 1 out of every 10 who were going to die in that 5 years, survived. Then Cancers, all Cancers, 13% survived who would have died without those 3 nutrients. So 13 out of 100 lived who would have died, and then the type of Cancer that was the most prevalent in the Henon Province, stomach and esophageal Cancer, 21% lived who would have died. 21 out of 100 lived!

Now these are significant numbers, and your physician should have sent every one of you a photocopy of that. At least given you the information, even if he didn't want to give you the advice, given you the information and let you make up your own mind."

Source of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie quote Cancer.

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie ~ Do your Homework. Knowledge is Power. Cancer has been Curable for a VERY Long Time. And it seems that Cancer Was always Curable. Check the Dead Doctor's Don't Lie information.

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie