Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pastor John Collins and the Bringing Back God Church, in Marietta Pennsylvania announces Lead Pastor, Pastor Dave Harris.

The Bringing Back God Church in Marietta Pennsylvania is part of many churches Pastor John Collins is breathing new life into. Pastor John Collins is bringing people back to God, restoring Faith, and saving churches.

Bringing Back God Church in Marietta Pennsylvania Announces New Lead Pastor, Pastor Dave Harris and Wife Porscha Leigh Harris.

Bringing Back God into your Life and Bringing Back Faith.

The Bringing Back God Church in Marietta is part of the many churches Pastor John Collins is breathing new life into. Pastor John Collins is bringing people back to God, restoring Faith, and saving churches that are destined to be turned into apartment buildings or something other use due to shutting down. Pastor John Collins believes that churches were built on sacred ground, holy ground intended to be spiritual places and they should stay that way.

The Bringing Back God Church seems to be creating a non-denominational Christian Faith Movement that is changing the lives all all they touch. Pastor John Collins and the Bringing Back God Church is dedicated to unconditionally giving, helping and making people's lives better in any way they can.

The Bringing Back God Church in Marietta announces a new lead Pastor named Pastor Dave HarrisPastor Dave Harris has been selected by Pastor John Collins to spread the good word at the Bringing Back God Church in Marietta PA.

"My name  is Pastor David Harris; I was born and raised in Delaware County, Pa. I have always been a believer in Jesus Christ; however I never had the Biblical knowledge to live the life God wanted me to live. I was living a life of sin. I was partying and pulling all nighters, living the way I wanted to live. I was the lead singer of several heavy metal bands and I did get into some trouble with the law.

During this time in my life alcohol and drugs was my God.  All that would change six years ago when God spoke to me. I clearly heard the words:  “That life your living is not my purpose for you. I want you to come back to Me and serve Me.” Immediately I spoke to a Pastor about the call placed on my life and he got me into a Bible College in Lakeland Florida, called Southeastern University were I studied Pastoral Ministry. Once I finished school, I received my credentials through the National Association of Christian Ministers.

Since then God has allowed me to lead a Celebrate Recovery, I have worked with children, youth and adults at all levels. I also currently lead National Day of Prayer in Delaware County. I  started my own ministry in Delco by the grace of God were I would put in place Bible studies and just help others in need, pray for others, and just carry out Jesus’ command to Love your neighbor as yourself. I also have been able to serve God in Mexico and Ecuador and also assisted in a church plant in Dearborn, Michigan. I am newly married this year to my lovely, gorgeous God loving wife Porscha Leigh Harris.  We continue to build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ daily.

We both take Jesus’ last words to His disciples very seriously and that is To Go Make Disciples! I’m called to speak the good news of the cross to the lost, the hurting, the broken, and the poor. We look forward to our New Position as Lead Pastors of BBG Church in Marietta Pa. We both vow to love the people of Marietta as God loves them.
God Bless

Pastor David Harris"

Pastor Dave Harris of the Bringing Back God Church Also Says:

"I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.

The die has been cast, I’ve stepped over the line; the decision has been made;

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I will not look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.

My past is redeemed; my present makes sense; my future is secure.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits or popularity.

I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded .

I now live by faith, love by patience, live by prayer, and labor by power .

My pace is set; my gait is fast; my goal is the heaven. My road is narrow;

My way is rough; my companions few; my Guide reliable; my mission clear!

I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity;

I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, nor meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I will not give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I have prayed up, preached up, stored up, and stayed up the cause of Jesus Christ!

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I must go until He returns; give until I drop;

preach until all know; and work until He comes.

And when He comes to get His own, He will have no trouble recognizing me;

My colors are flying high, and they are clear for all to see. "

10 a.m on Sunday
7p.m. on Wednesday

133 W Market Street

Marietta, PA

Friday, February 15, 2013

University of Montana's Sean Boushie has been threatening, harassing, defaming, and intimidating Crystal Cox for over 3 years. Montana FBI, Montana Police, University of Montana Police and President, Montana Commissioners, County Attorneys and Attorney General have been aware for 3 years. In the last year Sean Boushie has been impersonating Crystal Cox, and yet the FBI, the Police continue to DO NOTHING. In the last 2 years, Sean Boushie has conspired with David Aman of Tonkon Torp Law Firm and with Marc J. Randazza of Randazza Legal Group to taunt, harass, threaten, defame Crystal Cox, a Defendant in their Federal Legal Actions against Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.

Don't Let the University of Montana and the Missoula Montana Police EVER let you think they taking stalking or rape seriously. They DO NOT, no matter how much proof they have.

The Department of Justice was at the University of Montana investigating massive rapes, and whether the University of Montana POLICE or the Missoula Police had done enough to protect the women. I, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, Montana Native, KNOW that they CERTAINLY did NOT do enough to help these victims, or to even LISTEN to them.

Rape is Legal in Montana It Seems, especially in Lincoln County, Ravalli County and Missoula County. The authorities have the evidence and do nothing. They protect the RAPIST, it seems to be a State of Montana Tradition.

I had been reporting on the Montana Rape Epidemic for YEARS before this investigation. The University of Montana Police and the Missoula Police, as well as countless other Montana Counties ignored the story. They also IGNORE serious stalking, many lead to Death.

They have let this man taunt me, threaten me, harass me and impersonate me for years. And have valued his rights to quality of life over mine, a Montana Native, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.

Below is today's events, SHOWING yet again, How I prove what happens and how Law Enforcement, the FBI, the University of Montana Police, the Missoula Police, and the Montana Attorney General DO NOTHING. 

University of Montana Stalker Sean Boushie, Illegally, Yet Again Impersonating Crystal Cox

State Of Montana Servers Hit Web Post where the 3 year and counting University of Montana Stalker Sean Boushie continues to, Illegally, Impersonating Crystal Cox , as he has done in large amounts of online comments, hate groups, videos and more. The Montana Authorities KNOW and DO Nothing, or Can Do Nothing.

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Referring URL:
Host 8.0
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:WinXP
Location:Helena, Montana, United StatesResolution:1680x1050
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:Not ApplicableISP:State Of Montana

Navigation Path

15 Feb12:20:53

Just After This Web Stat Above

University of Montana Stalker Impersonating Crystal Cox Deletes Blog Post Comment

Here is a Link to the Blog Post Comment where University of Montana Servers show Web Stats of the Person using a University of Montana Server to commit a Felony, by AGAIN, impersonating Crystal Cox.

Web Stat Showing University of Montana Servers making that EXACT Comment

Web Stat Proving, Crystal Cox Impersonation Came from University of Montana Servers. And Showing Web Stat of where the Same University of Montana Web Server DELETED the Comment AFTER the State of Montana Server Went to the Blog Post.

Web Stat Showing the State of Montana Hitting the Blog Post then University of Montana Server Deleting it. It is a FELONY to Impersonate Someone.

University of Montana Stalker Impersonating Crystal Cox Deletes Blog Post Comment

More on the story of Montana Law Enforcement, County Attorneys, Commissioners, Cops, Attorney General, Judges, University of Montana and more PROTECTING a man who threatened to Kill me three years ago. They have the evidence and they hide it. They protect Sean Boushie's RIGHTS over mine. WHY? I am a 4th generation Montanan, exposing corruption in the Montana Judicial System, and they are protecting this man to intimidate me, harass me, threaten me, defame me, attack me and all to try and discredit my investigative reporting and to SCARE me, intimidate me into SILENCE.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Serial Stalker Sean Boushie has been located in Montana - Stalking Many People" A Public Notice by Lawless America Film Producer William M. Windsor. University of Montana Police and University of Montana President Royce Engstrom have ignored this SERIOUS situation for over 3 years. Sean Boushie ruins lives and has no accountability. Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock Protects Sean Boushie, as Does Lincoln County Attorney Bernie Cassidy, the Missoula Police, Hamilton Montana Law Enforcement, Eureka Montana Police and More.

"Serial Stalker Sean Boushie from the University of Montana has been located in Montana, and photographs are available for the first time.
Bill Windsor has filed criminal charges against Sean M. Boushie in both Montana and Georgia.  Other victims have previously filed charges, and some of his new victims say they plan to file charges as well.
Sean Boushie has guns and is apparently talented enough with a bow and arrow to kill animals.  I consider him armed and dangerous.
Sean Boushie's Photobucket Site had a wonderful slide show of dress-up in the woods with old people wearing old-timey coonskin cap-like costumes, but it looks like he has taken most of the photos down.  :-(  Fortunately, I got screen shots of the most interesting photos, and I am providing all of this information to the Georgia Police Department.
It appears that Sean Boushie drives a 2004 Ford Ranger.  Sean Boushie uses the screen name flintlocknfur, and he said he had lost many jobs -- 5 jobs in 10 years.
I am posting this information for the benefit of others who have been or may be stalked by Sean Boushie.  From the volume of stalking work, victims speculate that his full-time job is stalking.

Previous articles about Sean Boushie:

Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family - Facebook supports his efforts and blocks Lawless America

I do not know Sean Boushie.  I first learned of him when he began sending me bizarre emails.  I quickly learned from Crystal Cox that Sean Boushie stalks her, so I apparently became a target because I believe Crystal Cox.  I have subsequently received reports from others who say they have been cyber attacked by him.  I have never emailed him except in response to emails and when copying him on abuse complaints filed with Yahoo and Gmail.  I have never harassed him in any manner.  I have written articles exposing him as a stalker, a liar, and one gross person, but that's it, and that is not stalking or harassment -- just the news, just the facts.
But boy does he stalk and harass me!  He has threatened my wife and son online and through letters and emails.
Sean Boushie's YouTube page was filled with links to videos about guns and explosivesAnticipating that his YouTube account might quickly disappear (as it did), we captured anActivity Log and screenshots:  Screenshot 1 -- Screenshot 2 -- Screenshot 3 --Screenshot 4 -- Screenshot 5 -- Screenshot 6 -- Screenshot 7
One of the YouTube videos that Sean Boushie has liked is titled "The Wrong and Right Way to Shoot Someone."
We have captured various IP addresses that he uses, including,, and possibly,, and 
One of the emails I received from him is from, and among other things, he threatens me with jail and says: "Bite me Asshole." A really classy fellow...quite an honor for the University of Montana to employ as an educator someone with such an incredible vocabulary and way with words.
Here's an email that I consider a threat to shoot me: "You are so welcome fatass!!!!!! :PAnytime you grow a pair and want to take off your little girl panties you just bring that new gun you are bragging about right overIll give you an in depth lesson in montana castle doctrineUntil then tell your wife and son to expect my lawsuit. And you, you can go fuck yourself."  He is especially fond of telling people to go f**k themselves.
Sean M. Boushie uses various aliases.  He is John Smith on, and I have received reports that he has misused the name of Crystal Cox as a Facebook alias, including Crystal Cox and crystalcoxisabitch.  He is clearly guilty of impersonating her.
There is absolutely no question that Sean Boushie has attempted to terify, threaten, harass, annoy, and offend me with lewd and profane language, lewd and lascivious acts, threats to inflict phsical harm, and more. 
Sean Boushie is a little man in stature -- 5'6" tall with extremely small hands and feet I'm told.  He does work at the University of Montana, and I did file a complaint with the campus police, FBI, and Missoula Police:
 Sean M. Boushie, 570 Grandview Drive, Stevensville, MT 59870 
 He works at the University of Montana -- Sean Boushie, Equip/Lab Tech/Super -- 
 The Missoula Police know about Sean Boushie: Detective Jamie Merifield, Domestic Violence & SVOR Investigations, (406) 552-6291, (406) 396-3253 cell, Police Station Number -- (406) 552-6300
 Helena FBI has been notified: Mark Seyler --
 University of Montana Police have been notified – DIRECTOR/COMMANDING OFFICER     
 Director/Chief, Gary Taylor -- (406) 243-2277
 University of Montana President, Royce C. Engstrom, 
 The University of Montana - Missoula, Montana 59812 - (406) 243-2311; (406) 243-2797 (Fax) - "

More Lawless America Post Regarding the Sean Boushie Issue
Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family - University of Montana may pay him to do this

September 2009 Criminal Complaint Request, Defamation Lawsuit, and Legal Documents between Crystal Cox's then Attorney Kai Groenke and Lincoln County Attorney Bernie Cassidy.

Crystal Cox's Blog Documenting Years of Taunting, Stalking and Threats

Portland Oregon Federal Judge Excludes Sean Boushie from Federal Trial for Intimidating a Federal Defendant, and Judge Claims to be Notifying the FBI

Previous articles about Sean Boushie on Lawless America:

Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family - Facebook supports his efforts and blocks Lawless America