Sunday, August 23, 2009

Make A Difference, Your Not ALONE, Your in a Community, Time to Act Like it.. United We Stand

You have the Power to Change Peoples Lives. I don't need you to know me, to believe me, to friend me in ANY way. I NEED you to be AWAKE and AWARE and to help those around you that you can help. I NEED you to MAKE a difference where you can in your world.
..To Listen to the Voices that are unheard around you, to give them a voice.. to let them KNOW that they Matter.. be it the Veteran NOT being heard and suffering in Silence, be it the Rape Victim alone in her room with NO voice - no Rights - and cannot even be deemed a Victim under State Law, whether it is a Pastor, a Christian, an agnostic, or someone who simply finds their spiritual center walking in the mountains, whether it is the Cowboy or the Amish Man, whether it is the Child in a Meth home or the child that is NOT a local name somehow above rules... no Matter the victims of severe injustices you see in your world.. you can Make a Difference .. You can Give them voice.
The Local Victims of Local Government failing at creating jobs though the Mills shutting down was No Surprise - they Need a Voice. Those of you - Man, Woman, Child and even Animals out there suffering in ways of Economic Distress, Beatings, Rapes, Looked over for Contract because of your last Name, treated with less then dignity because your not a name and those of you out there simply not getting a fair shake because of what THEY make you out to be.. I am the VOICE of TRUTH... I want YOU heard and I am not Here to Hurt anyone.. I am HERE to GIVE Voice to Those who, for some reason, Simply Cannot Speak or Cannot Be Heard.
Whoever is in Your World that NEEDS heard, I Beg you to Give them Voice. STOP allowing our Community Leaders - Some in Local Law - State Law - Criminals - Rapists - Robbers - Thugs to CREATE Victims while you Stand By and Say Nothing.
YOU can help them simply by BELIEVING THEM, by Hearing them..Look them in the Eye and Let them Know it is NOT their FAULT and that you are, with an open mind, willing to hear their side, their story. I Beg you to Hear them, to See them, and to Give them Voice when and Where You Can, in your way.

Let Them Know You Care.. PLEASE !!!!!!
It Matters... More then
you may Ever Know.

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