Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Do We Fear the Word Militia? What Does it Mean Anyway? And Who is Feeding you this FEAR?

I don't Know, Sounds Scary to Me. SO Many Years the Media around me here in Montana has made me fear the Word Militia. I did not know what the word meant, I did not care to ask anyone, ALL I needed to know was that Local Newsprint and Media seemed to have Great "Issue" with so, well then Me Too. Thinking for Myself Did not Really Seem to Be an Option Back Then.

The Word on the Street about anything associated with "Militia" was that it is "Anti-Government" - well what exactly is that? Does that mean you don't agree with all the Government Tells you, asks of YOU, Flat Out Demands of You.. I don't know anyone that agrees with EVERYTHING the Government Does, so I guess everyone is, well, Anti-Government.

So does Anti-Government mean some sort of Fear to the People, that some group of Psycho Vigilante Citizens is going to overthrow local government? Like What, the Commissioners, .. the Governor.. maybe the Mayor? I mean Really.

What is the Real Fear to all this?

Is Militia about Hate, about Fear? Is Militia about Citizens Carrying Guns and What? I just don't really get the fear that we are fed on this topic. Being a Truth Seeker and Promoting the Truth on My Sites, I must find out what is this Mysterious Militia and I must Encourage you to Find out For yourself..

On that Note Here are a Few Tidbits on Militia..

I have heard that We are All part of the "Militia" - that the Constitution Says So. Is this True?

"The Militia is not an "Anti-Government" group, but an "Anti-Corruption In Government" group. The Militia is We The People enforcing the God given rights that every human being should have. Militia members do not walk around carrying guns and wearing army fatigues, looking for someone to shoot. A Militia member is a person who has sworn to uphold the Constitution and all laws which do not conflict with the Constitution, a Citizen who is willing to give his/her life in the defense against foreign or domestic invasion of Family, Home, Neighbors and Country. A Militia member is not your enemy, but on the contrary, a protector of the Constitutional Rights of everyone in the United States of America." r

From Source Below
Militia Defined as "a body of citizens organized for military service"

"the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service "
"MILITIA - The military force of the nation, consisting of citizens called forth to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasion"
"An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers. A military force that is not part of a regular army "
"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"
"Militia" is a Word, there are so many Actions that are Taken here in Lincoln County, in Montana that Directly and Deliberately violate our rights and we seem to just accept that as normal life. We let jobs be kept from Lincoln County, we Believe the Newspapers version of Twisted Reality, we Pay cops to harass us - put us in danger and keep us down. And we stand by as the Commissioners give all the Politicians a Raise, Control Contracts, FAIL at Creating Jobs, and Lie about Crimes and Their being investigated.... You Let them Give them Self a Raise for this.. you pay for it..
Such as the Local Cop who took a Criminal Report that specifically puts me in great danger and does not put 2 and 2 together purposely, and then stands by while I am served an order that he knows puts me in a dangerous situation, such as last weeks arrests and physical action of Libby Police, Such as Countless Rapes Not Prosecuted, Children forced to Stay in Meth homes though family member after family member tries to get them out. And Countless Crimes that are LEGAL in Libby Montana while they harass us for the Little Stuff..
the Lincoln County Sheriff knew about Hicks activity long before it came to light, knew about cops trading sexual favors to young women to get them out of a ticket or legal issue. Your Sheriff knows of very bad crimes and there is no way to prosecute criminals, Libby is it's own little Mafia, some sort of Drug Cartel that is ruining the lives of the Citizens. We have spoke to a huge portion of the Residents at this point and they are literally scared to Death of the Sheriff's Deputies, of the Libby cops and they will do to them. The Criminals, well they are not scared, for they know that Meth, Rape, Robbery and well just about anything goes for them..
The Residents tell us more stories then we ever knew, there is fact to be found to back up most of those stories, however, they will not sign the Recall because they know that the Commissioners, the Politicians, the Sheriff, and most all of Law Enforcement and the Political Infrastructure in Libby will stick together and will make sure they see Economic Terror.. subdivisions may not pass, contracts will not be given, business will be harmed by local peer pressure or threats and many of these folks even get regular death threats from someone.
But the Newspaper makes you fear the Word "Militia" ? Makes No Sense to Me.. - this is because when Law Enforcement that you pay to Protect you.. well when they Run Amok, Act above the Law, Participate in Corruption, Allow and Turn a Blind Eye to Sexual Activity with in the Code of Blue that would disgust most all of you, and when this Law Enforcement charges YOU with something like a Violation of a Small Code such as Privacy In Communication, Noise Pollution, Arrests you for Playing a Loud Radio in your Own Garage (and roughs you up).. well these things are still happening in Libby Montana Right NOW!! and they use what ever distraction they can so you don't see what is Really Going on with Your Money.
So with all this going on.. the thing to do is for the Sheriff's Office, the State and Local Politics to do is Clean Up their Act, DO the Right Thing, Obey the Law, Stand in Honor, Protect you.. Do the Job You Pay them to.. OR.. Make you FEAR those of US who want them to act with the highest integrity, with honor, with true justice and to Obey the laws of our Good Government.. and to make you fear words like "Militia". To Take Away your Power, your Rights, and keep you focused on Those Of Us who want to make your life better as being the ones in the wrong, while they rob you blind, beat you, tax you to death, hold you down.. and well Provide No Useful Service Put Only provide FEAR, Threats, Media Corruption, Flat Out Lies, Lack of Prosecution and Well they have Successfully made you Fear the Word Militia.
Do you Own your Own Mind? Do you Think for Yourself or Do you Just Believe what the Tobacco Valley News and Big Media Tells you? It is Shock but most, and we seen a whole heck of a lot of you at the fair.. most believe the paper and DO not believe these Sick Crimes even Exist .. THEY win.. YOU lose...

Choose to Fear the WORD "Militia" if you Like but now as an Insider, as someone who has seen more to the Legal Cases, the Lies, the Cover ups, the Corruption, the Plea Bargains and the Death Here in Lincoln County.. well I Guarantee you there is Something Greater Here to Fear then the Word Militia. Go Read the Newspaper and See if I am Telling the Truth.
Think For Yourself.
* WE are Not a "Free People".

* We Have NO Legal Protection in Lincoln County.

* We have No real effort for Job Protection or Creation as the Commissioners, the Politicians Give themselves Raises for FAILURE and use YOUR Money to do it.

* The Law Does NOT Exist Here - Only Politics. That Politics will use the Letter of the Law to Hurt Law Abiding Citizens while at the same time ignoring the Real Criminals, NOT prosecuting, no Getting Kids out of Meth Houses and NOT making any Real Attempts to Clean Up Crime. I know many still do not believe, well it is pretty obvious when you see the case made, the proof against these Criminals and Your County let's them back out on your streets for you to pay the price over and over again. The Truth is the Truth, Whether you Believe it or not.

* Time to Pick a Side Folks. Either your a Law Abiding Citizen or Not, Either you tell the Truth or you Life, Either your Helping Victims or Making Victims, your Either Part of a True Change for the Good or Not, you Either support the Criminal or you support the Victim. This stuff is still happening here and NO Law Enforcement Should be above the Law. The System breaks down Over and Over and you believe what the paper feeds you about these stories..
I have seen the inside, I have fought for kids in Meth homes - gave local detectives PROOF to save this child who is now a drug addict himself. I have talked to people beaten by cops, talked to people suffering from the Sex Games of Police Officers, talked to victims of horrible crimes where no justice has ever been served though they have Permanent physical Damage from these situations.

And YOU Fear the Word "Militia"??? - Good Little Sheep .. now Have a Nice Day at Work, making Money to Pay your Lincoln County Government to Treat You Bad, Feed you Bull and Keep you in the Dark, Take Away your Jobs, Raise Your Taxes, Beat you, Encourage Rapists and Child Porn by NO Prosecution and Make your Life a Living Hell.

And Folks YOU need to KNOW for SURE why those 3 Libby Officers QUIT at once, this is NOT coincidence, there is greater reason. Libby is Libby and the Residents are scared, the Politics are so scared they won't even let us have a Recall Booth at Nordic Fest. Why do we have to Continue to SUPPORT Libby Montana, when the County Attorney, the Sheriff Give us No Real Services Us, DO not Protect our Rights, KEEP us from Files that Affect Us, Put Us in Danger and Act Above the Law Over and Over as they Get Money FROM your Federal, State and Local Taxes.
Montana News To Me


Rhonda Ellison Want Felony Arson Charges Against Husband Dropped.

Who is Listening to Rhonda Ellison's Story - My Guess is No One.

Here is her Story should anyone Care.


Oftentimes I find myself thinking about the morals and ethics of many people in this world. Yes, there are good people out there. There are ‘good’ law enforcement officers and attorneys out there, but then there are also some ‘bad’ ones. Every day we make examples out of criminals to set a standard of proper behavior in this world, but tend to look away when those we trust the most act in an unethical and abusive manner.

This is a very complex story. It has many, many facts and if it was an easy story to tell, then it wouldn’t be where it is today. I think the more confusing something is, then the easier it is to cover up by just explaining it in part. It is quite a mess, but the truth is that it has ‘facts and proof’ and they don’t lie.

The hard part seems to be getting anyone to look at the ‘proof’ and to not just ‘file’ them away somewhere where hopefully no one will get ‘nosey’ and dig them up.

When things get convoluted, then it’s just easier to do what’s simple, productive, and/ or profitable. It doesn’t matter if an innocent man is going to go to prison or that people in town snub their noses at him and his family or refuse to sell him hay to feed his stepdaughter's pony; some people are expendable. Why should they care if he has a record and 'bad' press on the internet?

In the press, you have only heard sides from the police and the lawyers. Now it’s time to shed light on what really matters and what is being left out. $30 million dollars has a way of talking... and of silencing…

If you read the links, it leaves out about 90% of the truth, in which to me, is truly amazing and absolutely implorable!

The defendant was told not to go to the press, but certain recent situations have led him to believe that the corruption goes to even those who have advised him of this silence.

First off, if we start at the car fire, the evidence should be brought in, which hasn’t at all up to this point. We have a car fire with certain facts that have been left out.

By facts, I mean 100% PROOF. Not just speculation, but absolute PROOF! We can’t get to that point though, because the legal system is denying our right to have this proof brought out in front of a judge and/or jury. The proof is that the car fire happened to a car that was being driven by the defendant. The car was a twenty-one year old car that was to be given to the ex-girlfriend’s daughter that very evening AFTER it was to be serviced by a muffler specialist (KBB value hardly classifies this as felony material exceeding $1,000.00. Did I mention that the car was being driven TO the muffler shop by the defendant at the time it caught fire?

Did I mention that PROOF has it that the ex-girlfriend (who was also an employee of the defendant at the time) had just taken an insurance policy out on the defendant only weeks prior to the fire for ONE MILLION DOLLARS?

Did I mention that the defendant couldn’t get out of the car because the driver’s side door was somehow jammed to which a secretary had the same problem with the door only the day before and has testified to this in an affidavit? There were witnesses to the fire since it happened in the middle of Billings.

A man opened the door for the defendant, but was never heard from until later. Did I mention that the defendant went to the hospital by ambulance for smoke inhalation? Remember now, this fire happened in May.

Why was it only brought up later in October after the defendant and bank found out that the ex-girlfriend (employee) had been embezzling money from the defendant’s company and visiting the bank as 'Mrs. Ellison'? Isn’t it also speculated (I’ll admit if it’s proof and/or speculation) that the ex-girlfriend was also good friends (or possible ex-lover) of the fire examiner (who is also a Billings police officer)?

This officer stated under oath that he did not know the ex-girlfriend prior to the investigation, but some evidence has come into light that shows he may have perjured himself. It was also around April that the ex-girlfriend found out that the defendant was getting involved with a new girlfriend and tried to break that relationship up whereas a restraining order was taken out on her due to the fact that she threatened the new girlfriend.

It is also a 'FACT' that the ex-girlfriend and the daughter continued to work for the defendant for over three months AFTER the car fire (and he is now deemed a ''violent offender' because of all of this)????. It is also a FACT that the defendant called off an engagement to the ex-girlfriend one year earlier due to infidelity and the ex-girlfriend was feeling very ‘jilted’ because she now would not be a hopeful co-owner of the defendant’s company (for whom she was bookkeeper and was embezzling). It's also strange that she logged onto the defendants computer at work where upon she found the flight arrangements for the new girlfriend's August 14th visit.

It was on the day that the ex girlfriend smashed all the photos of the new girlfriend all over the office to which there are witnesses (and WHO has been sentenced to anger management classes and is deemed as a 'violent offender'? Please!!!).

We also find it strange how the ex-girlfriend has still not been charged with embezzlement (as to any knowledge) even with overwhelming proof from the bank auditor. She also filed documents with the courthouse concerning the defendants home without his knowledge.

Reading the fire reports, there is 'NO POINT OF ORIGIN'/ 'POINT OF IGNITION' for this car fire'. Also, why was the car used in a demolition derby after the incident and unable to be found for inspection today? Isn't this evidence???? Where is the justice for this defendant? "Innocent until proven guilty"... nowadays these words have little meaning.

There is absolutely no proof in this case pointing to the defendant, but a lot of evidence for motive from others! Why would the defendant finally be charged in October for a car fire that happened in May. Proof has it that his announcements had been sent out for his October 25th wedding... he was officially charged with arson three days before his wedding, strange! And then the car (evidence) disappears?????

Now, let’s get back to the proven life insurance policy for the one million dollars. The ex-girlfriend took out this policy only weeks prior to the car fire. This policy would also pay ‘managerial’ employees $50,000.00 each upon the defendant’s death.

Let’s take note that 'Mr. H' was working during this time as a managerial employee. Let’s also take note that there were checks written to employees by the ex-girlfriend for large amounts that had no reason. It was also only weeks prior to the car fire that the ex-girlfriend listed the defendants home for sale and added her own name to the sale papers and filed documents at the courthouse pertaining to the home.

The proof is all there! It was also at this time that the ex-girlfriend erased all information on the defendants computer which she had been using when she had previously been living there.

Let’s now move ahead to the night of the 4th of July, slightly a month after the car fire. There is a police record that indicates a situation at the home of the defendant. The defendant heard his dog barking in the early hours of July 5th, came out to investigate, and was jumped and beaten unconscious. His dog escaped from his kennel and went to the aid of his owner in which he was killed for doing so. The defendant woke hours later and summoned the police. The case was then dropped after some time.

During the next few months things get a little more complicated, but I’ll jump to what is most important and that is the mega-million dollar lawsuit against a large company (Company ‘L’) who has defrauded the defendant’s company.

Soon many, many neutral witnesses are coming out of the ‘woodwork’ and this case has what many refer to as a ‘smoking gun’. Here is a chance to stop a large company who has made millions from defrauding smaller ‘bondable’ companies by cashing in on their bonds and forcing them into financial meltdown.

The amount of evidence against this company leaves us with a huge chance to have justice served and their corruption to finally end.

First we get Lawyer ‘G’. He takes the case, let’s time get down to the wire, and surprise… he hasn’t even filed it yet!!! Everything seems suspicious, but we’ll just let that one go.

Next thing to do is get all the files to a new lawyer. We find Lawyer ‘W’ and he gets the suit filed just in time and eventually tells us he is going to seek as much as $30 million dollars and something called the ‘Rico Act’ due to the overwhelming evidence. Everything looks like it may get a little better until May , 2008.

This is when the ‘River’ incident takes place. The previous day, a managerial employee has been found to be stealing tools and has been for approximately a year and a half.

Remember employee Mr. ‘H’? Well it is on deposition by two witnesses that Mr. ‘H’ approached them the day prior to the river incident and offered to pay them each $1000.00 to beat up his boss at ‘WallPro’”.

He also stated to these witnesses that he was hired by ‘Company L’ to “terrorize the owner of WallPro” and that the owner didn’t get the hint after he (Mr. H) beat him up on July 4th of last year and even killed his dog! Amazing! These depositions (on paper AND VIDEO) exist from these witnesses and yet the corrupt police still drop the ‘river incident’ case due to “lack of evidence”.

Then the witnesses skip town as fast as they can after being harrassed and threatened by police to withdraw their depositions... by the way, they wrote out another letter concerning these threats and their fear for their safety... would anyone like to see it... I've read it? The detective who was assigned to the ‘river incident’ has been present at every court hearing regarding the arson case and sits alongside the ‘fire investigator’ in charge of the arson case.

Keep in mind also, that ‘Mr. H’ was aware of a life insurance policy that would cover managerial employees for $50,000.00 should the defendant have died in the river. Also remember that Mr. H knew that he would be fired later that day for stealing tools and that a chance of cashing in on this policy would be forever gone. There is more to this situation dealing with ‘Mr. H’ and his past, but I have so much yet to explain.

As to the river incident, the police stated to the press that the defendant’s hands were zip-tied in front and his feet were tied with a rope. The police had no way of knowing, because the defendant’s restraints were off by time they reached him.

According to the defendant and confirmed by the witness at the scene, the defendant’s hands were zip-tied behind him, his feet were zip-tied together, and the rope was around his neck. The story in the paper makes it sound as if the defendant put himself in the water and “crawled” up the bank.

The defendant states that he was thrown in the water by the edge (confirmed by the scene) and was pushed a short ways along the shallow bank where he was caught up in two chunks of concrete that formed a ‘V’. The water ‘ebbed’ in this area and gave the defendant a chance to push with his feet to get his torso on the concrete and yell for help.

As far as catching the person (s) responsible, why should the police care? The ex-employee was put in jail that day where he remained for quite a while on domestic assault and felony theft charges. Meanwhile, they want to charge the defendant (Mr. Ellison) with felony arson. It is at this point that ‘Lawyer W’ in the mega-lawsuit learns that his client is to be charged with arson and asked his client what the situation is. It is at this point that the defendant states that he did not even know he was being charged with a ‘felony’ and that his arson lawyer, ‘Lawyer M’ told him he was being charged with a ‘misdemeanor’.

As far as ‘witness tampering’, the defendant was told by ‘Lawyer M’ to put an ad in the paper requesting that the ‘car fire hero’ come forward and to offer a $500.00 reward for his coming forward. The 'witness tampering' statement to the defendant's mother was about her bringing in the ex-girlfriend's children and had absolutely NOTHING to do the the car fire witness!

What a set-up!!! Now of course, ‘Lawyer M’ has denied suggesting such a thing and has turned the story around to fit his own liking and benefit. The real strange thing is that a witness DID come forward and spoke to the police about the situation, but no police report exists of this. After all, it IS stated in the recent newspaper posting that he was “bribed” by the defendant for $500.00 to come forward. So what was his name and where is he and where is the report stating such a bribe?

How come he came forward, talked to the police, and then just disappeared with no record of such a meeting???? Why is an innocent man at risk of being charged with a felony arson for a $800.00 car (felony has to be a value over $1,000.00), that can’t be found for inspection today because it is missing and only after being entered in a demolition derby after the alleged arson. Why was it not kept as evidence especially since there was no ‘point/origin of ignition’ determined in the inspection (a vital piece of information to any fire inspector dealing with arson)????

Remember, this man will have this on his record permanently! Why did ‘Lawyer M’ sell off his client to the D.A. and the police??? Why bring up to the press and the court that his ex-client has a past record of a deferred felony. Strange he didn’t mention on his client’s behalf that it was a minor incident of his client being caught with stolen property (a saddle) when he was a youngster. I guess this alone makes him deserving of prison. I’m sure he just likes the sound of ‘violent offender’ and making himself look justifiable to the press.

Please also note that this older felony sentence was 'deferred'. A client is only allowed ONE deferred felony so why would 'Lawyer M' even request such a thing knowing it would NOT be granted? There is much more to this part (dealing with ‘Lawyer M’), but I have to leave something to elaborate on at a later time. Also note that 'Lawyer M' is currently in a similar lawsuit concerning another coerced plea deal.

Okay, let’s skip ahead to today. At this point things are getting shadier and shadier concerning the car fire, the river incident, and the mega-lawsuit.

The defendant, his wife, and his parents all had to file bankruptcy due to ‘Company L’. It is a very unusual situation when a bankruptcy is filed with a ‘Stay’. This means that there is a possibility of paying off debts due to a situation such as this mega-lawsuit. It is because of this ‘Stay’ situation, that a new light has been cast. While checking the status of the mega-lawsuit dealing with the bankruptcy debts, the bankruptcy court (Trustee/Lawyer J’) decided to take a deeper peek into the whole mess.

It was during this very recent research that ‘Lawyer J’ just learned that ‘Lawyer W’ has been talking settlements with ‘Company L’ without the knowledge of his client (the defendant), PLUS handed over all the files to the corrupt Billings police, and also has recently DISMISSED the lawsuit without the knowledge of his clients… I-L-L-E-G-A-L? Speculation by ‘Lawyer J’ is that ‘Lawyer W’ has possibly been ‘paid off’ by ‘Company L’ . After all, the mega-lawsuit would be extremely hard to win with a client who has a record of felony arson. There isn’t much hope of a ‘violent offender’ getting the sympathy of a jury right? Besides, there is no case if your lawyer has dismissed the lawsuit anyway.

It makes one wonder at just exactly how many people ‘Company L’ (with a net worth of $120 million) has paid off… and where does the D.A., the Billings police, and the ex-girlfriend (working for WallPro during the take-off of the fraudulent ‘Company L’ job) fit into all of this??? A little investigating could go a long way for even part of this story; each has a story in itself.

At any rate here we are today. An innocent man has a 'violent offender' record after being financially ruined, embezzled, burned, beaten unconscious, and then almost murdered in an unthinkable manner. Not to mention the hardships that even his wife has gone through when her ex-husband found out this story on the internet.

One can't imagine a mother losing her summer vacation with her eleven year old daughter because her ex-husband takes it to a Michigan court that her new husband is dangerous for their daughter... yes more lawyers to hire and a little girl in Michigan crying because she can't visit her mother or her beloved pony. It is during all these unspeakable hardships, that the one’s you trust to be there for you to help you and to have empathy for you, not only abandon you, but betray you even with substantial proof of your innocence.

The amazing thing is that the proof is there and soooo much of it. The hard part is finding someone trustworthy enough to show it and not file it in a bottom drawer in exchange for money or favors.

I should also mention that the defendant had moved to the state of Alaska to find work. He found it but was fired shortly after when his employers found the news articles on the internet. The company that fired him was supposed to pay to have his furniture shipped to Alaska, but fired him while the furniture was enroute.

The furniture now sits in storage until he can afford the $6,600.00 to get it out. What is to keep the next company from firing him or not hiring him because of his false reputation? We all know it's hard enough to find a keep a job in this economy.

It’s only one man……. Who cares?????? Do you know what it feels like to walk into probation knowing that you do not belong there and have a probation officer treat you worse than a person would treat his own dog?

Could you imagine having a probation officer who tells you that he "owns you" and that he would see to it that you are only able to work at "McDonalds"? How would you feel when you walk into the probation office and see that the 'man in charge' was the same man whom you saw at your court hearings sitting next to the police officers in which you know are out to get you convicted no matter what the evidence is?
Like I said, "it's only one man... who cares"???

At least this one man has the hope of the ‘press' and that it can help deliver justice by making someone at least stop and take a ‘look’.

He also has a wife and her family who will see this out to the end, knowing of his innocence. They will be his best advocate and refuse to stop until they have the right people punished over this situation... this is only the 'tip of the iceberg'. The 'guilty' should go to prison and not the 'innocent'.

Corrupt police, judges, lawyers, firemen, and anyone else illegally involved in this case should be tried in a civil court (at least THEY would have the right to trial). The truth will come out; seeing this to Civil court until Mr. Ellison's name is cleared and the Billings, Montana legal system is cleaned up.

‘Lawyer W’ told this man not to go to the press and then betrayed him.
Rhonda Ellison
montana corrution news

I listened to the interview of Paul Stramer by Michael Jamison again tonight and Well I have a Few things to Say..

Again Remember if you Don't like what I have to Say Simply Stop Reading.. and click the X in the upper right Corner.. Wa La.. Problem Solved..r

Link Again to the Interview if you have not heard it..r

rHad I NOT been there from the Seed Moments of This Recall for a Montana Sheriff - I Never Would have believed or Imagined the level of deception, of Corruption that I have Now First Hand Witnessed..
Michael Jamison's "Level Best" is NO Where Near GOOD Enough.
Paul is Extremely Articulate, not alot of ums.. and hymn ha's .. he is speaking intelligently, factual and not stammering at all, but the STORY you get is from the blithering.. nonsensically.. logic of the guy asking the questions...
Paul Does Not Claim to Be part of the Recall and GUESS what SHOCKER he is NOT.. he is simply one of many - MANY supporters.. Wake Up Folks.. your Being Sold a Bill of Goods that you Don't want to be buying...
I must tell you what I am seeing is giving me an intriguing fascination with Paul Stramer. Why put Paul Stramer in as the Reason for the Recall and try and Discredit the Real Reasons? Well so Anderson can just act like he really is doing a Good Job.. Well in Between Wife Beatings.. that is.. he might try here and there.. but I am NOT buying it.. I have lived here to long.. talked to to many victims.. I see NO Justice, ONLY Politics.
As I watch the Media, the Hate, the Politicians put the Limelight of Hate and Agenda on One Man.. while at the same time I get call after call, emails, chats, messages.. from victims.. and through Diane Kaechele paper trail I have seen a HUGE amount of Real Crimes that are recorded and no prosecution, that on top of the Rapes, and other crimes that are denied to even exist.. YET they Really REALLY do Exist.. why lie.. what could possibly be the motive?
Surrounding the media, the comments, the letters to the editor about Paul Stramer I see Flat Out lies, I see Officials lie about Paul right there in front of me.. I witness injustices that you would not believe and you may NEVER believe..
I go places and the Press, the Politicians lie about what happened there, I hear interviews, see conversations and hear what is REALLY happening and then I see the PRESS, the Reporter Lies, the Detectives Lie, the Sheriff lies, the Commissioners lie, the Local paper lies.. and the Rights of Victims are what is really at stake, not anything to Do with a guy named Paul Stramer.
Jamison WRONGLY associates the Recall of Sheriff Anderson as all Political and All about Paul Stramer and Sheriff Mack. And that is NOT based in TRUTH, not even a little bit.
Even 2 years ago I would have believed the Local Law, Politicians, Paper, Missoulian, and local Judges.. possibly I would not have just believed one or two.. I can see a Line of Bull Coming At Me, however all of them and what they are ALL saying is a Reality... well 2 years ago I would not have believed Paul Stramer’s version of the Truth. It is just to "Out There" to think they would all be Lying and this one man.. would be telling the TRUTH.. But He Is.. That is Just the Way it is. I have no reason to lie.
I don’t really know Paul Stramer well, those who do know me well know that my beliefs and lifestyle are worlds apart from Paul Stramer and in Fact had not even met him before all this..
I was seriously hesitant about going to a Lincoln County Watch meeting because of Paul Stramer and what I had heard all these years, but we needed to let more people know about the Rapes, about the Crimes and Victims we were hearing about and so we went there.
It was a Packed house, probably mostly because so many of us have really seen the Denied Military activity here and people wanted to share their stories. After the Recall and all this Mumbo Jumbo those folks stopped coming, either because they believed the Lies being told or were scared of their businesses being boycotted. The Truth is so Taboo here.. that we must hide it or loose our business, possible our home, jobs, and possibly even our family.
What is So Wrong with Want people to Obey the Law? If we don't allow or ask questions, how do we get answers? Why in the world are you paying law enforcement to protect you and Enforce the Law when they do not. It is that simply, if they are not enforcing the laws that are in place then the people have a right to fire them. The People hired him or her and the people can fire him or her Right?
So about this "Recorded Interview"
Michael Jamison said he Doesn’t Use a Recorder, are You Kidding Me? Don’t all Reporters use a Recorder when taking an interview. I see reporters at events recording it, I see Reporters Record Interviews.. How else would they POSSIBLY remember what to write unless they just Make it Up or have other Planned Agendas.

Michael Jamison Starts right out saying he does not use a Recorder, so we can pretty much guess that his “take” on all this will be inaccurate Right?

I personally believe, in my Personal opinion that Michael Jamison planned to and did tape this call as well. He just was not going to admit it. Paul Stramer Being an Honorable man asked the Reporter for Permission to Tape the Call.

So funny to me, Paul Stramer graciously allows Michael Jamison to interview him and then he makes him out to look like a hateful, vengeful monster. He is allowed the interview and then he simply trashes the man.. Don’t give Michael Jamison an interview for ANY Reason.

If your just NOT into what Sheriff Mack has to say, well then you totally agree with your Law Enforcement not following their oath of office, not upholding the law and basically just running amok while you pay them. Sheriff Mack is simply about Cops actually Obeying the Law and upholding their Oath. Is that to much to ask for? Is that To Out There?

If you don’t believe we have a loss of Freedom then you don’t know what is going on in Flathead County, Lincoln County, Sanders County, Gallatin County, and Ravalli County – and that is just what I know so far. We have no rights, Judges, Cops, Law Enforcement are not acting or judging within the scope of the Law. Richard Mack, and supporting what he has to say is simply saying No to “Tyranny” – Yes Local Terrorism and Cops - Law Enforcement acting outside of the law that our government put into place to Protect Us.

If you don’t like what Sheriff Mack has to say then your not into being a Law abiding Citizen or have those laws enforced. It is that Simply, no Big Mystery or Conspiracy, Just the Facts.

Coincidental, and Perhaps that is all it is, says Michael Jamison. We are trying to Recall the Sheriff, ya know Michael Jamison sounds like a snake to me, he is not after the truth, he is baiting Paul, and then he still printed a twisted version of Reality. Almost as if that was his plan all along.. Perhaps it is just coincidental. So why Bother Calling, the story was seemingly already written.
Sheriff Mack went many other places in Montana, on this “Coincidence” trip.. Michael Jamison makes it sound so mysterious.. Duh.. the guy was on a Summer tour to get his message heard.. not so Sci-Fi, or mysterious if one had the ability to actually think it through.
Michael Says that One of the Detective From Lincoln County Said… well He did not have the Detective on the Record, so it was not fair to quote him really, however, he probably did tape that call.. and why such stammering with this question.. Get it Out… And we all know he did later Quote that detective anyway.

So Michael Jamison goes to say Not on the Record of Course, but He, the Detective Expressed Concerns THAT… that he, um.. boy this is the longest question.. ever.. SPIT it OUT..

The Recall, and Sheriff Mack WAS uh.. very political in Nature.. What a Bunch of BULL.. a couple of gals.. Diane Kaechele and myself, just 2 woman.. we went to the Lincoln County Watch meeting, where Diane told the group at that MOMENT that the Sheriff needed to be recalled. I have it on Video..
She had got 1500 signatures on a petition for a dog murder, took it to the Commissioners they did nothing, the community raised a big REWARD for information on this.. and still the LAW did NOTHING… those of us in the know are fully aware of what this led to..

How convoluted, how ridiculous of Michael Jamison to say the Recall is Paul's agenda to run a Candidate for Sheriff.. WE Do NOT Care who the Sheriff is.. none of the Recall Supporters do.

They simply want whoever is sheriff to actually do their job, it really is that simple.
The Twisted hype of the media, of Anderson, of the press is Well a Flat Out Lie, that is all there is to it, I have witnessed this from the Begining, I am not a Conservative, not a Ron Paul Supporter ( though in reading his information I ought to be).. I am not one that anyone would think would stand up for Paul Stramer.. but folks I am Standing up for the Recall the One Brave Woman brought to us, Diane Kaechele and joined with Ginny Emerson there Amazing following through is creating an opportunity for Real Change here in Lincoln County Montana SHOULD you Stand up and Take that Gift.
Either way, I will not let the Recal be all about Paul Stramer, though that is what the media wants in order to Keep the Recall from Succeeding and instead Succeeding in ripping all dignity and rights from the REAL Victims of Real Crimes in Lincoln County Montana.
Paul Stramer had no idea of the Rapes, the Crimes un-prosecuted, Diane Kaechele brought this to the group, she did the research on it, she got this going and she met Ginny Emerson at the Group and Ginny Emerson is now helping her.. they are Simply 2 woman running a recall and Paul Stramer is simply ONE of the many men supporting it. I am simply the Seeker of Truth, and the Guardian of REAL information from the People, and Yes I have what I say backed up.. want proof.. Ok then .. Ask that of Michael Jamison of the Missoulian as well, as that of the Tobacco Valley News and of the Lee Newspaper Chain.
What the Media, the Local Law, Detectives and Judges are doing to Paul Stramer is a Serious Fascination to me, it is blowing my mind. I see with my Own Eyes, I Hear with my Own Ears and everyone of those in POWER, the power to tell the STORY that you will believe ..they are LYING.. and YOU believe them, really what choice do you have and before I saw this with my own eyes and ears, I probably would have believed the Media on it too. It would simply be to "Out There" to believe any other version.. Luckily for me anyway, I do know the Truth.

I would NEVER have believed that a Detective, a Sheriff, a Judge, a Commissioner, a Missoula Paper and a Local Paper would all lie and distort information so much that the real TRUTH is no where near recognizable.

You folks listen to the Interview, read what Jamison wrote and you decide what it TRUE and know this… Diane Kaechele, a relative stranger to the Tobacco Valley saw a horrible injustice to an animal and she set out to do something about it.. 1500 signatures and NO one listened then the Rapes, then the Research of Countless other crime.

And Diane Said, well if the Sheriff won’t do anything about it then we need to Recall him and she set out to Do Just that. The thing is many of us were like, nah.. that will never work, and we having lived a lifetime here were afraid to even try. Diane Kaechele pushed it forward, and to this day her and Ginny Emerson still push, still beat the streets and make the calls for YOUR Rights to Justice.. Such Dedication for Total Strangers.. the least I can do is back them up, is tell the Truth, is Make a Stand for the Truth that I do know.
Those who believe all the powers that be on this, go right ahead.. But for Me, I have seen the Light, and this is Very Sick stuff and Paul Stramer getting all the Media, all the Blame and taking the Heat on this is a Sick Play at STOPPING Justice, and it is NOT right in any sense of the word.

SO this Mystery Detective which Jamison names later anyway.. Could this be the same detective harassing victims on the Hicks case, could it be the same guy that says the recall is about politics and not victims and is said to have an underage girlfriend and a Mystery Video on YouTube with Young Girls?

Do you think that Michael Jamison is really after the Truth here or just to make Paul look like the bad guy, the Criminal and the Detective to look like the upstanding citizen.. when he is Certainly Not.. from what I hear.

Watching the Media and Local Politics make this Recall About Paul Stramer – Past, Present and Future SHOULD be a WAKE up CALL to every single one of you.. they are LYING, flat out lying and your eating it up like Birthday Cake.. yee haw.. You Got the Wrong Man..

The Argument that Anderson wasn’t doing a good job, Jamision gets to attempt to ruin a man’s reputation and he does not go and look at arrests, at prosecutions, talk to victims, talk to those who really started the recall and instead just puts the whole recall on Paul.. Sick.. Really..
Michael Jamison is NOT credible in any way at ALL.. Do your Homework Folks, think for yourself. This guy is on the Wrong Side of the Moral Compass in any Belief System.

Saying that Anderson was not doing his job was less then genuine.. says Michael Jamison.. what a Crock.. Paul is NOT running the recall Michael Jamison.. Clueless.. And again a Political Motive..
Woman are drugged and raped, many in groups.. People are Robbed.. Meth Dealers walk.. Child Porn no Prosecution.. Anderson has Beat 4 wifesAnderson's current Wife has Embezzled over and over.. cops are beating victims .. cops give criminals a ride home from crimes scenes… Real Crimes are Really Happening.
Michael Jamison NEEDS to do his homework before he listens to ONE detective that answers to Anderson and needs his protection.
Is Michael Jamison really this naïve and living in la la land or has he been paid off to work for the Wrong Side of the Law, the Wrong Side of Civil Rights and Basic Morality?
It is NOT about Anderson’s position on gun laws, I did not even know that when the Recall started and I know FOR SURE that Diane Kaechele started this Recall based on Rape, on Crimes not prosecuted, on a Dog hung to death and bled out and no prosecution and other sick and disturbing crimes and not on any view or vote that Sheriff Daryl Anderson may have had…
Talk about Naïve.. or EVIL.. which is it ? I am hoping that Michael Jamison is just naïve and that in his little world he could not possible imagine what we are up against in Lincoln County Montana and that he really believes that Paul Stramer is the big bad ring leader and Sheriff Anderson just got a bad rap because of a gun vote.

Because if Michael Jamison had ANY hint of the Truth and is saying and printing what he is, then Evil does not begin to describe what he is doing and the Blood of innocent victims will get no voice because of Michael Jamison and people like him, associated with him, feeding him information, paying him .. getting in the way of the TRUTH being told and therefore the public believing the wrong TRUTH.
Meanwhile more victims .. more and more disgusting crimes as Michael Jamison thinks it is just “Coincidence” and “Political” and wants this all to be about Paul and some Radio sale gone bad 14 years ago.. We don’t Care about 14 years ago.. we are being terrorized by our own law today and Michael Jamison makes it about ONE man and the Truth just evaporates when the Stakes are so very high…

I have heard their cries, I have spoke to victims of all sorts of different crimes.. rapes.. beatings.. robberies.. meth .. fraud.. corruption and over years and one or two phone calls behind enemy lines and Michael Jamison thinks he can call the Recall Political and make it about Sheriff Mack and Paul Stramer, how sad.. how disappointing that the Victims still will have no Voice.
I had no idea that because Paul was One man out of hundreds to support the Recall that it would suddenly and pretty much at that moment be all about Paul Stramer and nothing about 40 to hundreds of rapes and sexual disgust over decades.. not about real crime, not about meth dealers or cops that corner young woman to trade sexual favors in exchange for a ticket, not about kids in Meth houses with no way out.. and other crimes that you would not DARE believe is really, truly happening here.

With the Recall it will be what it will be and those of you who now think me a Kook.. well so be it.. I know the TRUTH one hundred percent and the perception of Reality your Being SOLD is so shocking .. so disturbing I could never have imagined it ever Truly being True.
But ya know what .. If your Reading this you have NOW been exposed to the Real Story in all this and in that you have choice, and if you choose the wrong side because there is more of them, because they are Law Enforcement, Politicians, High Profile Newspapers .. well then That is Your Free Will to Choose.. but one day when you too Find that Moment in time when the TRUTH is blatantly obvious and shockingly unsettling, you will remember this point in Time when you had the change at Real Change and you chose to Fear Signing the Recall, you Chose to believe complete Assholes such as Michael Jamison and you let more Victims suffer because you Silenced their voice..

Michael Jamison says the Recall is about "Looking to Run a Candidate", again Jamison is Clueless, that was not the original point of this and so what if some of the signers have a guy they would like as sheriff, if so I have not heard of this guy.. only that Mitch Walters wanted to run and I gave my opinion on that, I could not resist, I Said.. NO WAY.. he cannot even clean up TROY, the five minute score .. other then that I have not even heard of a candidate that Paul or anyone associated with Paul Stramer would want as a Sheriff..
And why is Michael Jamison even asking Paul this when he is not running the recall.. he is not the originator, it is not his agenda .. it is and always has been about giving Victims a Voice and demanding accountability for endless crimes unprosecuted.. Do your homework. .. don’t be like Michael Jamison and believe one simple explanation given by those whose income and agenda is seriously affected by the Recall.

Anderson knows something about everyone one of them.. Commissioners, Judges, Cops.. they have NO choice but to Circle the wagons and protect HIM, if they don’t all sorts of Sexual Scandals, Drug Dealers, Embezzlement, Money Crimes, Cop Beatings, Wife Beatings, affairs with Judges and attorneys and All Holy Hell will break lose if ONE of them does not LIE to protect Anderson.. who cares about the Rape Victims.. the other countless victims in all this. .. they are all out to Save their Own Ass.. to Hide their own indiscretions and to coverup each others Dirty Laundry and you pay them to do it, as well as pay the price as victims, as those who love victims..

Michael Jamison … So Sad.. Really .. He is Attempting to STRIP Victims of Real Crimes the Only Shot they had at any kind of Voice, of Justice.

Just a Campaign Tool says Michael Jamison and NOTHING to do with whether he investigated this or that correctly.. Folks.. let me first say.. I am so glad .. so very blessed to at 38 years of age to witness what I am witnessing.. I will NEVER again be in the Dark and for that I am thankful.. though I do long for the days of Ignorance.. the Bliss .. the not knowing of the violent horror that I know now..
I know the crimes and there are just to many over to long to be a Campaign Tool.. If Michael Jamison spoke to some of the victims over the last decade, some of the fathers who have teared up on the phone with me talking about what happened to their daughter and one of them even by a cop, there is a paper trail, but Michael Jamison is NOT interested in that.. he would rather place the BLAME and the Blood of Victims on Paul Stramer.
Who was and is NOTHING to do with the Recall other then a Signer and now one of our points on the Recall with his Unjustilly and Possibly Illegal Denial of a Concealed Carry Permit.
Michael Jamison is Flat Out Wrong in his words of , This all being a Ploy to get in a Sheriff that Paul Stramer likes and somehow Sheriff Mack got into this blame..
Meanwhile the Tobacco Valley News has Paul as the Undersheriff and Officer Brenda Cavoretto as the Sheriff.. All Bull Folks..
NONE of it makes sense to me when I visited with Diane Kaechele, at my office last summer downtown.. about the crimes, the meth, the rapes, the dog murder and what she was up do in getting justice for the dog murder and it all starting in that seed moment and was NOTHING to do with “Campaign Tools” and “Political Agendas", and a Whole lot to Do with the Real Victims of Real Crimes.
Again to Listen to this Recording Click Below and Think for YourSelf..
Your On your Own Folks.. There is No Real News.
There is No Real Justice.
There is Only Politics and You Pay the Price.
Written By Crystal L. Cox

American Police Force - Montana is Asking Questions

(As Usual Folks.. think for Yourself On This Stuff)

Sep 12, 5:17 PM EDT
AP ENTERPRISE: Montana jail deal raises questions
By MATTHEW BROWN Associated Press Writer

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) -- The Two Rivers Detention Center was promoted as the largest economic development project in decades in the small town of Hardin when the jail was built two years ago. But it has been vacant ever since.

City officials have searched from Vermont to Alaska for inmate contracts to fill the jail, only to be turned down at every turn and see the bonds that financed its construction fall into default. They even floated the idea of housing prisoners from Guantanamo Bay at the jail.

So when Hardin officials announced this week that they had signed a deal with a California company to fill the empty jail, it was naturally a cause for celebration. Town officials talked about throwing a party to mark the occasion, their dreams of economic salvation a step closer to being realized.
But questions are emerging over the legitimacy of the company, American Police Force.
Government contract databases show no record of the company. Security industry representatives and federal officials said they had never heard of it. On its Web site, the company lists as its headquarters a building in Washington near the White House that holds "virtual offices." A spokeswoman for the building said American Police Force never completed its application to use the address.
And it's unclear where the company will get the inmates for the jail. Montana says it's not sending inmates to the jail, and neither are federal officials in the state.
An attorney for American Police Force, Maziar Mafi, describes the Santa Ana, Calif., company as a fledgling spin-off of a major security firm founded in 1984. But Mafi declined to name the parent firm or provide details on how the company will finance its jail operations.
"It will gradually be more clear as things go along," said Mafi, a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer in Santa Ana who was only hired by American Police Force a month ago. "The nature of this entity is private security and for security purposes, as well as for the interest of their clientele, that's why they prefer not to be upfront."

On its elaborate Web site and in interviews with company representatives, American Police Force claims to sell assault rifles and other weapons in Afghanistan on behalf of the U.S. military while providing security, investigative work and other services to clients "in all 50 states and most countries."

The company also boasts to have "rapid response units awaiting our orders worldwide" and that it can field a battalion-sized team of special forces soldiers "within 72 hours."

Representatives of American Police Force said the company presently employs at least 16 and as many as 28 people in the United States and 1,600 contractors worldwide.

"APF plays a critical role in helping the U.S. government meet vital homeland security and national defense needs," the company says on its Web site. "Within the last 5 years the United States has been far and away our" number 1 client.

However, an Associated Press search of two comprehensive federal government contractor databases turned up no record of American Police Force.

Representatives of security trade groups said they had never heard of American Police Force, although they added secrecy was prevalent in the industry and it was possible the company had avoided the public limelight.

"They're really invisible," said Alan Chvotkin, executive vice president and counsel for the Professional Services Council. The group's members include major security contractors Triple Canopy, DynCorp and Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide.

"Even a single unclassified contract in the last couple of years should show up" in the federal database, Chvotkin added.

Spokesmen for the State Department and Defense Department said they could not immediately find any records of contracts with the company.

The city has not released a copy of its agreement with American Police Force. But the deal as announced would be a sweet one for Hardin, a depressed rural town of 3,500 about 45 miles east of Billings.

The company is pledging to fill the 464-bed facility by early next year.

Hardin officials say the first payment on the contract is due Feb. 1 - regardless of whether any prisoners are in place. The city's economic development authority would get enough money to pay off the bondholders and receive $5 per prison a day.

American Police Force also is promising to invest $30 million in new projects for the city, including a military and law enforcement training center with a 250-bed dormitory and an expansion of the jail to 2,000 beds. The company says it will build a homeless shelter, offer free health care for city residents and even deliver meals to the needy.

Where the prisoners would come from is unclear. City officials said California was the most likely possibility, but a spokesman for that state's corrections system said there was no truth to the claim.

Federal prisoners also were mentioned by both American Police Force and the city. U.S. Marshal Dwight MacKay in Billings said he would have been notified if such a plan was pending.
"There's skepticism over whether this is a real thing," MacKay said.

Hardin officials said they were approached by American Police Force about six months ago, soon after the city made international news in its quest to become "America's Gitmo." American Police Force incorporated around the same time.

Albert Peterson, the city's school superintendent and vice president of the authority that built the jail, said the city was "guaranteed" the contract would be upheld.

"There's never a question in my mind after I've done my homework. It's legit," Peterson said of American Police Force. "We believe in each other."

The contract was still being reviewed by the city attorney, he said.

Peterson refused to answer when asked if he knew the name of American Police Force's parent firm. He said news coverage of the city's political tussles with the administration of Gov. Brian Schweitzer had left him suspicious of the press. The administration brought a court challenge over whether Hardin could take out-of-state inmates at the jail.

"If you're looking for the source of the money, you're not going to find it from me," Peterson said.
A member of the Texas consortium that developed the jail, Mike Harling, said he had "every reason to believe they'll be successful."

Mafi, the American Police Force attorney, said his company intends to reverse Hardin's recent problems with the jail and give the town an economic boost.

In Santa Ana, American Police Force occupies a single suite on the second floor of a two-story office building. During a visit to the location Thursday, a reporter for The Associated Press encountered a uniformed man behind a desk who would identify himself only as "Captain Michael."

The man declined to discuss basic details about the company and referred the reporter to the company's Web site. In a subsequent phone interview, he provided his surname but insisted it not be used because of security concerns. The man said he was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Montenegro with decades of experience in military and law enforcement operations.

The man said his boss is a retired U.S. Army colonel named Richard Culver who is currently overseas. Culver's role with the company could not be immediately verified.

The company claim of a headquarters address is just up the street from the White House.
The K Street building houses "virtual offices," where clients pay to use the prestigious Pennsylvania Avenue address and gain access to onsite conference rooms but have no permanent presence.

"It lets small businesses get started up and have a professional front and not have a lot of a cash to do it," said Ashley Korner with Preferred Offices, which leases the location.
She said American Police Force's application to use the address was pending, but incomplete.
Associated Press Writer Amy Taxin contributed to this story from Santa Ana.