Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Do We Fear the Word Militia? What Does it Mean Anyway? And Who is Feeding you this FEAR?

I don't Know, Sounds Scary to Me. SO Many Years the Media around me here in Montana has made me fear the Word Militia. I did not know what the word meant, I did not care to ask anyone, ALL I needed to know was that Local Newsprint and Media seemed to have Great "Issue" with so, well then Me Too. Thinking for Myself Did not Really Seem to Be an Option Back Then.

The Word on the Street about anything associated with "Militia" was that it is "Anti-Government" - well what exactly is that? Does that mean you don't agree with all the Government Tells you, asks of YOU, Flat Out Demands of You.. I don't know anyone that agrees with EVERYTHING the Government Does, so I guess everyone is, well, Anti-Government.

So does Anti-Government mean some sort of Fear to the People, that some group of Psycho Vigilante Citizens is going to overthrow local government? Like What, the Commissioners, .. the Governor.. maybe the Mayor? I mean Really.

What is the Real Fear to all this?

Is Militia about Hate, about Fear? Is Militia about Citizens Carrying Guns and What? I just don't really get the fear that we are fed on this topic. Being a Truth Seeker and Promoting the Truth on My Sites, I must find out what is this Mysterious Militia and I must Encourage you to Find out For yourself..

On that Note Here are a Few Tidbits on Militia..

I have heard that We are All part of the "Militia" - that the Constitution Says So. Is this True?

"The Militia is not an "Anti-Government" group, but an "Anti-Corruption In Government" group. The Militia is We The People enforcing the God given rights that every human being should have. Militia members do not walk around carrying guns and wearing army fatigues, looking for someone to shoot. A Militia member is a person who has sworn to uphold the Constitution and all laws which do not conflict with the Constitution, a Citizen who is willing to give his/her life in the defense against foreign or domestic invasion of Family, Home, Neighbors and Country. A Militia member is not your enemy, but on the contrary, a protector of the Constitutional Rights of everyone in the United States of America." r

From Source Below
Militia Defined as "a body of citizens organized for military service"

"the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service "
"MILITIA - The military force of the nation, consisting of citizens called forth to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasion"
"An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers. A military force that is not part of a regular army "
"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"
"Militia" is a Word, there are so many Actions that are Taken here in Lincoln County, in Montana that Directly and Deliberately violate our rights and we seem to just accept that as normal life. We let jobs be kept from Lincoln County, we Believe the Newspapers version of Twisted Reality, we Pay cops to harass us - put us in danger and keep us down. And we stand by as the Commissioners give all the Politicians a Raise, Control Contracts, FAIL at Creating Jobs, and Lie about Crimes and Their being investigated.... You Let them Give them Self a Raise for this.. you pay for it..
Such as the Local Cop who took a Criminal Report that specifically puts me in great danger and does not put 2 and 2 together purposely, and then stands by while I am served an order that he knows puts me in a dangerous situation, such as last weeks arrests and physical action of Libby Police, Such as Countless Rapes Not Prosecuted, Children forced to Stay in Meth homes though family member after family member tries to get them out. And Countless Crimes that are LEGAL in Libby Montana while they harass us for the Little Stuff..
the Lincoln County Sheriff knew about Hicks activity long before it came to light, knew about cops trading sexual favors to young women to get them out of a ticket or legal issue. Your Sheriff knows of very bad crimes and there is no way to prosecute criminals, Libby is it's own little Mafia, some sort of Drug Cartel that is ruining the lives of the Citizens. We have spoke to a huge portion of the Residents at this point and they are literally scared to Death of the Sheriff's Deputies, of the Libby cops and they will do to them. The Criminals, well they are not scared, for they know that Meth, Rape, Robbery and well just about anything goes for them..
The Residents tell us more stories then we ever knew, there is fact to be found to back up most of those stories, however, they will not sign the Recall because they know that the Commissioners, the Politicians, the Sheriff, and most all of Law Enforcement and the Political Infrastructure in Libby will stick together and will make sure they see Economic Terror.. subdivisions may not pass, contracts will not be given, business will be harmed by local peer pressure or threats and many of these folks even get regular death threats from someone.
But the Newspaper makes you fear the Word "Militia" ? Makes No Sense to Me.. - this is because when Law Enforcement that you pay to Protect you.. well when they Run Amok, Act above the Law, Participate in Corruption, Allow and Turn a Blind Eye to Sexual Activity with in the Code of Blue that would disgust most all of you, and when this Law Enforcement charges YOU with something like a Violation of a Small Code such as Privacy In Communication, Noise Pollution, Arrests you for Playing a Loud Radio in your Own Garage (and roughs you up).. well these things are still happening in Libby Montana Right NOW!! and they use what ever distraction they can so you don't see what is Really Going on with Your Money.
So with all this going on.. the thing to do is for the Sheriff's Office, the State and Local Politics to do is Clean Up their Act, DO the Right Thing, Obey the Law, Stand in Honor, Protect you.. Do the Job You Pay them to.. OR.. Make you FEAR those of US who want them to act with the highest integrity, with honor, with true justice and to Obey the laws of our Good Government.. and to make you fear words like "Militia". To Take Away your Power, your Rights, and keep you focused on Those Of Us who want to make your life better as being the ones in the wrong, while they rob you blind, beat you, tax you to death, hold you down.. and well Provide No Useful Service Put Only provide FEAR, Threats, Media Corruption, Flat Out Lies, Lack of Prosecution and Well they have Successfully made you Fear the Word Militia.
Do you Own your Own Mind? Do you Think for Yourself or Do you Just Believe what the Tobacco Valley News and Big Media Tells you? It is Shock but most, and we seen a whole heck of a lot of you at the fair.. most believe the paper and DO not believe these Sick Crimes even Exist .. THEY win.. YOU lose...

Choose to Fear the WORD "Militia" if you Like but now as an Insider, as someone who has seen more to the Legal Cases, the Lies, the Cover ups, the Corruption, the Plea Bargains and the Death Here in Lincoln County.. well I Guarantee you there is Something Greater Here to Fear then the Word Militia. Go Read the Newspaper and See if I am Telling the Truth.
Think For Yourself.
* WE are Not a "Free People".

* We Have NO Legal Protection in Lincoln County.

* We have No real effort for Job Protection or Creation as the Commissioners, the Politicians Give themselves Raises for FAILURE and use YOUR Money to do it.

* The Law Does NOT Exist Here - Only Politics. That Politics will use the Letter of the Law to Hurt Law Abiding Citizens while at the same time ignoring the Real Criminals, NOT prosecuting, no Getting Kids out of Meth Houses and NOT making any Real Attempts to Clean Up Crime. I know many still do not believe, well it is pretty obvious when you see the case made, the proof against these Criminals and Your County let's them back out on your streets for you to pay the price over and over again. The Truth is the Truth, Whether you Believe it or not.

* Time to Pick a Side Folks. Either your a Law Abiding Citizen or Not, Either you tell the Truth or you Life, Either your Helping Victims or Making Victims, your Either Part of a True Change for the Good or Not, you Either support the Criminal or you support the Victim. This stuff is still happening here and NO Law Enforcement Should be above the Law. The System breaks down Over and Over and you believe what the paper feeds you about these stories..
I have seen the inside, I have fought for kids in Meth homes - gave local detectives PROOF to save this child who is now a drug addict himself. I have talked to people beaten by cops, talked to people suffering from the Sex Games of Police Officers, talked to victims of horrible crimes where no justice has ever been served though they have Permanent physical Damage from these situations.

And YOU Fear the Word "Militia"??? - Good Little Sheep .. now Have a Nice Day at Work, making Money to Pay your Lincoln County Government to Treat You Bad, Feed you Bull and Keep you in the Dark, Take Away your Jobs, Raise Your Taxes, Beat you, Encourage Rapists and Child Porn by NO Prosecution and Make your Life a Living Hell.

And Folks YOU need to KNOW for SURE why those 3 Libby Officers QUIT at once, this is NOT coincidence, there is greater reason. Libby is Libby and the Residents are scared, the Politics are so scared they won't even let us have a Recall Booth at Nordic Fest. Why do we have to Continue to SUPPORT Libby Montana, when the County Attorney, the Sheriff Give us No Real Services Us, DO not Protect our Rights, KEEP us from Files that Affect Us, Put Us in Danger and Act Above the Law Over and Over as they Get Money FROM your Federal, State and Local Taxes.
Montana News To Me


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