Monday, January 4, 2010

G. Patrick FLANAGAN - Neurophone - Hear Without Using your Ears.

What If you Could Hear Without Ears ?

My name is Crystal L. Cox, this is My Blog as many of you know.. I want to tell about the Neurophone, I don't understand why it is not wide spread available and it seems to me that there is so many powerful uses for this device that more of you need to know...

the Invention has Been Around for quite awhile, Suppressed of Course... in 1996 I was Visiting family, and this guy a friend of theirs came over on a lunch break, he worked at a local lab, I am not even sure what it was.. but I do remember something they were testing that he brought with him.. it was this device, now I put these little pads on my stomach or my leg, a fleshy body part, and I could hear the music playing in Great detail and these pads were no where near my ears - I heard this music through my body. My Body was the conductor of this sound... it simply amazed my and Something I will never Forget - I always thought it would be something neat to do if you were pregnant to sooth your child or educate ... crazy I know...

The History, Story and Information Surrounding the Neurophone is Simply Amazing and I want my Readers to Find Out More About it, Google the Terms in this Post and Do your Homework - there is amazing Technology out there and has been for a very long time, it is Time for you to not only know about it but use it to Make your Daily Life Better.

I hope you Get to Try One Some Day.. For Now here are Some Links on Information to Get your Research on the Neurophone Started.


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