Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Montana is a Small Town with Long Streets" - Montana Political Blogger

a Montana Political Blogger Featured

"" About Your Host
When I first started this blog, I had approximately 1 reader, namely my wife, and that has grown quite a bit. I started off trying to be semi-anonymous, mainly since you just never know about certain folks on the intarweb. (You could always check the WHOIS info for the domain, and turn me up, though.) As time rolled on, semi-anonymity became increasingly difficult to maintain, so I decided not to fight it. Anyway, on we go with the particulars:

About Me
One of my favorite topics!
Name: Craig Sprout
Location: Billings Helena, Montana (though I still think of Ennis as my hometown — sorry, I can’t help it).
Age: If you poke around in the archives, you can find my birthday. I’ll just give you the year (more or less): Nixon was president.
Occupation: Pet Nerd
Employer: I’m employed by the State of Montana.
Disclaimer: The opinions here are my own, not those of my employer, and is just stuff that I find interesting. I’m not trying to advance an agenda, I’m not paid by anyone (but if someone wants to pay me for doing this, just let me know!), this is just an extended bull session. Only that and nothing more.

Political Leanings: Mainly conservative, but that’s just a word, and it’s very vaguely defined. I’ve also been called a neo-con (what the hell ever that is), a tool of the Jews (they’re very good brainwashers, evidently), a bigot (not true; I hate everyone equally), a racist (also not true; I think that the Indy 500 and Daytona 500 each have their own unique charm), a queer-lover and a homophobe, and my personal favorite, “very sick liberal.” I think that about covers it. So, let’s just get some things out in the open.

I believe that the preamble to the Constitution is possibly the best, most concise mission statement that has ever, or will ever be written.
Rights are granted to governments by people, not vice-versa.
The freer the market, the freer the people.

Having said that, a free market is a government project.
Government is not inherently bad or evil, and is, in fact necessary. However, it is like a tree, and needs to be pruned of useless branches from time to time.
Taxes would be more fair on consumption, rather than production.

The public schools are increasingly failing to give kids a good education, and are instead turning out a bunch of self-obsessed semi-literates who increasingly think feel that the world owes them every little thing.

The semi-colon is a vastly underrated punctuation mark; the ellipsis the most overused . . .
You can’t polish a turd.

The two constitutional amendments most in need of being repealed: 17th and 22nd.
The only gun in my home is my wife’s .22, and it hasn’t been fired in at least 6 years, but I don’t remember firing it since my wife and I started dating, and that was quite a while ago.

You can put lipstick on a sow, and call it something else, but the fact remains; it’s still a sow.
The essence of freedom is that while you are free to succeed, you are also free to fail, and no one should prevent your from failing. Prevention of failure is anathema to freedom.
Lawyers and insurance companies bear more blame for the mess that is health care than anything else.

Tax cuts are not expenses for the government; they are on the revenue side of things. It means that the government is taking less from you, not giving you any money back.
Your tax refund isn’t government largesse, either. That’s money that you’ve let sit earning interest for someone else.

In Montana, property owners bear a disproportionate share of the tax burden.
There’s no such thing as common sense. If it were so common, everyone would have it.
Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am vast. I contain multitudes. But mostly, I’m just vast.

Sometimes you find unexpected wisdom in music:
I promised you, Dad, not to do the things you done.
I walk away from trouble when I can.
Now please don't think I'm weak, I didn't turn the other cheek,
And papa, I sure hope you understand:
Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man.–Coward of the County by Kenny Rogers

Government policy doesn’t create jobs.
Mainly policy stifles job creation.
Government Politics does one thing very well — provides semi-honest employment for hordes of would-be crooks.

Decisions are better made locally.

Isn’t there a small-government party around that aren’t total loons?

The Republicans have turned into Democrat-Lite, I swear.
Having said that, though, I do mostly vote Republican.

The 5 words that need to be repeated most often are: “Congress shall make no law”
I’ll add to this as people misrepresent my positions, or set up arguments against positions that I’ve never advanced.

That oughta do for now. I’ll update as necessary. ""

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