Thursday, September 29, 2011

National Chalk the Police Day - There is No Free Speech in Hamilton Montana, IN Hamilton you are Arrested for Chalking the Sidewalk

Look at Today's Headlines on Frustrated Citizens Chalking the Sidewalks, the Police and being arrested for this "Chalking

Chalking is Not Illegal - Cops Should Not Be above the Law - National Chalk the Police Day 

"Chalk the Police is a nation wide campaign to raise public awareness about policing issues.

Folks from all over the country will be heading out to their local police station(s) or parks (anywhere that’s public property) to advocate, in solidarity, police accountability.

The idea is to bring signs, fliers and (of course) chalk to their demonstration. While there ask folks passing by if they have something they’d like to say to the police. If they do, hand them some chalk – note, you should check the laws in your area about chalking public property (even though chalk doesn’t damage, some cops get angry over this).
This idea came to me, Ademo, after 8 people were arrested – myself included – for demonstrating outsidethe police station in Manchester, NH. Seems some police officers have forgotten what their jobs were intended for, keeping people safe. Not to target those who peacefully assemble after officers were cleared of beating a man."
Source of Quote and Full Blog
Hamilton Montana Police Bully, Harass and Arrest Private Citizens for Peaceful Protests of Chalk on the Sidewalk and Letters to Our President that they put in a public library that they did not even write. 

Police Should not Be Above the Laws they are Paid by YOU to UpHold.  It seems to me that the Police who do honor your Constitutional Rights, they are ran out of town, forced out of police work by the Good Ol' Boys.  Enough with Cops violating the law, make way for the Good Cops to protect and serve with honor by prosecuted the cops that violate the Constitutional Rights of Citizens. 

National Chalk the Police Day is a Great Way to Get Eyes on the Massive Problem that Cops who are paid to protect us are often the ones who are actually violating our rights. 

Stand Up for What you Know is Right.  Stand on the Right Side of the Law.
Demand Accountability and Transparency.

Police are Arresting People Everywhere for Chalking the Sidewalk, this is NOT a Crime

Find out More about National Chalk the Police Day

For More on the Occupy Wall Street Movement, Google Occupy Wall Street and Watch YouTube Videos, it is a Mass Movement to Let Bankers, Wall Street, Government Know that using Tax Payer money to fund the Elite and give no jobs, meanwhile spend money on more and more war and other countries issues while Americans suffer daily.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Richard Hildner - My First Impression of Richard Hildner at the Whitefish Farmer's Market. Richard Hildner is Running for Whitefish City Council.

Having had no prior information or experience with Richard Hildner, I ran into Richard Hildner at the Coffee Traders booth at the Farmers Market in Whitefish Montana.

Apparently Richard Hildner is running for City Council Member in Whitefish Montana.

Richard Hildner was very friendly, and somehow a different friendly as those walking around pushing political candidates, most did not look at me, grab my hand and in general were simply all about placing a pamphlet in my hand. As if this somehow gets a Vote from an intelligent, think for themselves Whitefish Montana kind of Voter.

Richard Hildner conversing with the gal behind the counter and busily campaigning, yet somehow different, to me anyway. There I was my headphones on, backpack and buying some of those delicious Coffee Traders Whitefish Cookies, and he turned whole body to me, not just a passing gesture but a full on presence. Richard Hildner looked me in the eye, put his hand out and firmly, almost perfectly shook my hand. I am a bit of an Energy Person, a First Impression, and well he seemed strong, present, and self confident with no hint of arrogance.

To me Richard Hildner seemed geniunley happy to be running for Whitefish City Council and yes, this is all a bit more personal then politics, however I don't know anything about Richard Hildner politically and to me personal is where all politics of Truth, Integrity and Transparency really begins and ends.

Meeting Richard Hildner made me smile well after, his smile, his eyes just made me feel good, and even somehow strengthened me. Richard Hildner confidence in his self, his eye contact and ability to communicate effectively was impressionable indeed.

I have no Voting Agenda, won't be voting in the Whitefish City Council races, I have no Party, I am for the Truth and Not the Lie. I am for Transparency in Government and for True Live and Let Live Regardless of Your Personal Choices.

I am an Investigative Blogger based in Whitefish Montana and my agenda is getting YOU heard, so email me your thoughts on Richard Hildner and the Whitefish City Council or Whitefish Mayor Race and I will get you heard at the TOP of the Search Engines.

More on Richard Hildner

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kensington Agency Researching Crystal L. Cox for the State of Montana ? - Kensington Agency

Kensington Agency - Good Luck figuring out what I do and why.. Maybe the Kensington Agency should eMail me and ask me instead of thinking that looking at hundreds of thousands of my blog posts will explain what i do and why.

Got a Tip on the Kensington Agency ?

eMail me your Kensington Agency Tip

Kensington Agency researching my Blogs in Depth.. Can I Help you Kensington Agency ?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

John Muhlfeld - John Muhlfeld is Running for Mayor for Whitefish Montana - Do NOT Vote John Muhlfeld / John Muhlfield

John Muhlfeld John Muhlfield ( Many documents spell John Muhlfeld's name both ways as John Muhlfeld and as John Muhlfield, so I will spell it both ways so ALL can find the John Muhlfeld - John Muhlfield they are looking for.

Dig Deep when Considering John Muhlfeld - John Muhlfield for Mayor of Whitefish Montana.

I have NOT had Good Experiences with John Muhlfeld - John Muhlfield of River Design Group

My Experience with John Muhlfeld is that he ruins lives. I have witnessed John Muhlfeld of River Design Group speak of hiring who he wants on those big tax dollar projects to restore streams, even though for the "public" and to be within the boundaries of the law John Muhlfeld would advertise for these jobs.  John Muhlfeld said this in front of FWP and many other witnesses.

I have witnessed the stream restoration projects that John Muhlfeld of River Design Group was in charge of, rip out ever year due to shoddy work, as John Muhlfeld simply gets more grant money, tax payer dollars to hire his friends to do the same bad job.  Also during this project John Muhlfeld disrespected our right to private property.  John Muhlfeld let his dogs run thru our house and garage, John Muhlfeld left our livestock gates open and John Muhlfeld had total disrespect as John Muhlfeld acted above the property own and in CHARGE of their property simply because a stream ran thru it.

John Muhlfeld, In my experience is not an honest man, John Muhlfeld is not a man of honor and integrity and John Muhlfeld now running for the Mayor of Whitifish Montana has sparked me to speak out again about my experience with John Muhlfeld of the River Design Group and to post ALL tips I get On John Muhlfeld.

I have had calls and emails over the last 5 years about John Muhlfeld and I have simply kept quiet. Though the Grave Creek Resoration project that John Muhlfeld worked on affected my life personally and affected Montana Taxpayers Immensley.

I will soon post emails and information on John Muhlfeld and the River Design Group to let Whitefish Voters know they better dig deep and think twice as John Muhlfeld has many skeletons from what I have heard and what I have witnessed.

Please Email me your John Muhlfeld of Whitefish Montana tip to

Know that ALL eMails, Phone Calls and VOICEMAIL are Subject to me Posting at my Discretion.  If you Feel anything is Posted in Error, and want me to "Consider" a retraction, please email me at .

In my Opinion, Experience, Tips Given to Me and Information I have heard and Researched I believe John Muhlfeld is dishonest, .. Does not work to really protect Water Quality but instead to Protect the interest of John Muhlfeld and that John Muhlfeld has possibly lied on federal contracts, received favortism and maybe even committed possible, alleged fraud against the government.  If you have information on any of this and you file a Whistleblower Lawsuit, by Law - Whistleblower Law, you may be Entitled to 30% of what you recover for the Government.

IN my Opinion and Experience, and Tips I Received I Believe John Muhlfeld lacks integrity in dealings in Whitefish, if you have ANY information on John Muhlfeld and possible fraud, corruption, collusion, conflict of interest within the Whitefish Montana council, please email your John Muhlfeld tip to me at

John Muhlfeld - Whitefish Montana

DO Not Vote for John Muhlfeld for Mayor of Whitefish, Dig Deep - ask Questions, your Property Rights and Tax Dollars are Next.

Lots More Coming Soon on John Muhlfeld

My investigative Blog Network as well as and will explore all aspects and details of John Muhlfeld - John Muhlfield of River Design Group's career - every dollar, deed, secret, document - so let's here it folks.  Send your John Muhlfeld - John Muhlfield of River Design Group tip to 

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Please note John Muhlfeld and John Muhlfield are two spellings for John Muhlfields name in the search engines so I use both so you can find ALL i say about John Muhlfeld.