Friday, May 4, 2012

I have Years of Web Stats, Day in, Day Out for over Three Years. This is a Video of One Web Stat. The University of Montana FBI Investigation so many are Googling, just know the FBI has known for Years. I email them updates all the time, I have those emails of IGNORE as Well. So don't get your hopes up as to this alleged investigation actually uncovering corruption in Montana.

So those of you Googling University of Montana FBI Investigation, know that the University of Montana President, Police and Missoula Police have known for years of the Rape Issues, and Stalking Issues as have many other authorities in Montana, including the ACLU, the Governor, the Attorney General and More.  Here is my Blog on my University of Montana Stalker. I have years of hate, craigs list groups, facebook hate groups, web stats, emails to authorities and more for any REAL Investigation into the Wall of Corruption in the State of Montana that protects Rapists.

University of Montana FBI Investigation, is kind of a joke. As the FBI told me over an over they did not take any of it as a threat nor is it criminal to be on paid time at the University of Montana and start Hate Groups, email hate, cyberstalk, harass a Pro Se Defendent in a Federal Trial, and apparently it is all ok with the University of Montana President Royce Engstrom as he and the U of M Police have known for years, so has the Missoula Police, they DO Not Investigate Hate Crimes period.  And this turns into Rape, Lives Ruined, Business Lost, Years of Stress and as the Kalispell Case, even Murder.

More on The University of Montana IGNORING Hate Crimes, Cyberbullying, Stalking and Threats. And Montana Judges, Cops, County Attorneys aiding and abetting.  All to cover up corruption in the State of Montana.  All known by the Power Elite in the State of Montana.

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