Saturday, November 7, 2009

Montana Blogger on the Constitution, Bill of Rights and More...

"The teaching in our schools of our country’s history, and how it came to be, has become severely lacking over time. Especially when it comes to the studying and understanding of our founding documents, and the brilliance of the Founders.

This writer fears that we are very close to “passing over”, finding ourselves in a situation that just may be a point of no turning back.

The Founders knew, much as Ayn Rand knew first hand, that if left unchecked, the tyrrany of government will prevail. In our case, the ‘check’ is us, We The People.
But, with our society’s lack of education about our ‘role’ [defined by] the Constitution, and the arrogant progression of ever expanding breaches of the Constitution by the leviathan in DC, is it any wonder we find ourselves here?

The purpose of this web presence is to serve as a source of education, and discussion, about what our Founders intended when they formed this country, and instill the proper power back into the people’s hands. Most importantly, teach folks just what the Federal Government is only allowed to do, as defined by the Constitution."

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