Monday, April 12, 2010
Hamilton Montana News - Top 10 reasons not to vote Hoffman for Sheriff in Ravalli County: Montana Political News
9. Hoffman is not independent of County Attorney, Judges:
this does not protect your rights, or let the Sheriff work for you or your family.
8. The four (4) Detention Center suicides in 2005 were on Hoffman’s watch.
7. Hike at your own risk:
Hoffman’s recovery of lost hikers is dismal. Search & rescue are not to blame.
6. Boaters needlessly die every year in high water accidents on the Bitterroot River: Hoffman does not protect us.
5. Hoffman’s Deputies aren’t trained well enough to know the difference between misdemeanor and felony warrant execution; or when or how to use force.
4. Felony theft of 40,000 rounds of ammunition by Hoffman’s Sgt, and Felony partner assault by Hoffman’s former Undersheriff who was rehired as a Deputy. All under the watchful eye, and demonstrated leadership of Sheriff Chris Hoffman of Ravalli Co.
3. Deliberate indifference of 2000 Florence murders under Hoffman’s direction from 2002 to 2010; even with national spotlight of America’s Most Wanted.
2. Sheriff Chris Hoffman is lead Defendant for millions in civil liability to Ravalli County by incompetent leadership, and at times intentionally violating protected civil rights. We all pay for Chris Hoffman’s mistakes and his violations to the oath of office.
1. Hoffman’s deputies voted no confidence in his abilities before the 2006 election, in 2007, 75 voters signed a recall of Hoffman in Ravalli County. It’s time for a new Sheriff, Bitterroot Valley. We are not safe with Hoffman in office. ""
Sent in by a Reader
Friday, April 9, 2010
Libby Montana News - DC Orr Speaks - " We now have the momentum to change predatory policies"
"" Press release: 4-7-2010
RE: Motion for Attorney fees hearing of 4-6-10
To the people of Libby;
I have now gone into legal proceedings with the City of Libby three times, and have won every time.
It amazes me how all of the heated rhetoric changes when people raise their right hand and promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
I don’t believe we should be forced to go to court to get to the truth of government dealings.
On the witness stand testifying for the Clerk, the Mayor didn’t accuse me of attacking the City Clerk like he did in his letter to the editor.
The Mayors’ testimony was dominated by his inability to recall almost any pertinent facts of the issue at hand.
In fact, we proved in court that his Clerk threatened an elected official.
My honor is intact.
Now, I haven’t put myself, and my family, at risk of harm just for the fun of it.
I haven’t spent tens of thousands of dollars just to defend my honor. Just so we are clear on this, the next time I go to court with the City I am going to take a TON of your money when I walk out.
I have taken these measures to protect your best interests
and attempt to ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone ever again.
We now have momentum to change the predatory policies that have harmed this community for far too long. I am going to devote the remainder of my term in office trying to affect policy that will ensure no one is ever abused by City government again.
The Judge said this was a “horrible Personnel issue”, I think that the Personnel Committee is a good place to start.
The people of Libby have to help, there is political power only in numbers.
The idea of putting cameras on Mineral Avenue was only put to rest because of the crowd in the audience. If the people of Libby truly want to direct their own destiny, they have to show up.
I am not without compassion for the City Clerk and the issue of her legal fees. I am also cognizant of the fact that half of those fees were for her personal time and effort and would have gone in her own pocket. I think there is a way out of this that would be agreeable to most everyone involved.
Since this half-literate, red-necked ditch digger walked into court and faced the City Clerk and her high paid attorney, the Mayor of Libby, and the Head of Personnel (and Personal Assistant to the County Commissioners), and whipped them all, maybe Attorney Todd Glazier should just refund her fees.
Sincerely, DC Orr ""
Monday, April 5, 2010
Open letter to Governor Schweitzer and the alleged Montana Film Commission. i dont see you guys doing much for film makers in Montana
Sunday, April 4, 2010
How can the Montana media ignore 6791 Total Signatures to impeach, recall Senator Baucus
Petition to Potentially Recall U.S. Senator Max Baucus, (D) Montana
This petition is to survey the population of registered Montana voters who may have interest in recalling Senator Max Baucus from his elected position as senior US Senator from Montana. The recall of elected officials is allowed under Montana law, pursuant to Montana Code 2-16-603, on the grounds of physical or mental lack of fitness, incompetence, violation of oath of office, official misconduct, or conviction of certain felony offenses.
You can read the rest on the webpage. How can the media ignore signatures from not tea party patriots . But, from Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats and Republicans. The arrogance of the media and people like Senator Baucus continues to grow. It is a wonder that the Missoulain cannot even give their newspapers away.
This is the same arrogant media that ignored a drunken law breaking Senator Baucus who made a fool of himself on the senate floor. Screaminator who had screamed incoherently at a Republican Senator who dared to oppose this elitist arrogant Senator from Montana. While the video is easily accessible on you tube at and many other sites.
Max Sieben Baucus (born December 11, 1941) is the senior United States Senator from Montana and a member of the Democratic Party. First elected to the Senate in 1978, and as of 2010 he is the longest-serving Senator from Montana, and the sixth longest-serving U.S. Senator currently in office.
A senator since 1978! How ridiculous is this? Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, GW Bush and Obama have been President since Baucus took office. Before his election to the Senate, Baucus was a member of Congress from 1975 to 1978, representing Msontana's 1st congressional district. He previously served in the Montana House of Representatives from 1973 to 1974. Did this guy ever have a real Job?
Senator Max Baucus nominated his mistress, Melodee Hanes for the post of US Attorney. . However, he insisted that the recommendations were based on the qualities of the candidate and not on his personal relation with the candidate. The Montana mainstream news media ignored Baucus extra marital affairs and hid their knowledge of the Corrupt Senators illegal appointment and illicit relationship.
Is this what was meant when Baucus threw his support behind Barak Hussein Obama and Multi millionaire Nancy Pelosi and passed unconstitutional health care reform? When , I hear the Missoulian owners speak on issues. I am reminded of a quote that goes. "Sometimes it is best to be thought of as a fool. Than to open your mouth and erase all doubt".
Why Crystal L. Cox, Investigative Blogger Believes there is a High Possibility That Summit 1031 Exchange REALLY is "in bed with" Obsidian Finance ?
What if the ONE or ALL of the Summit Principles ALL ALONG or at ANY point over the last 15 months... did actually get into bed with "Kevin Padrick" - "Obsidian Finance Group"?
What if the Umpqua Lawsuit was staged somehow to make Obsidian Really Look outside of it all?
I, Crystal L. Cox - Investigative Blogger now Believe that Umpqua Bank Executives knew full well that their eMails were constantly monitored by a Compliance Officer, it is the Nature of the Job and a 2 Million Dollar a Year Salaried CEO of a Multi-Billion Dollar Bank would have to know that.
What if Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Group put that eMail in his report to give Umpqua a Way out?
I mean Judge Dunn seemed to Favor Umpqua right? Yet we know from the Sound Byte that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung posted that Judge Dunn actually picked, appointed and kind of forced Kevin Padrick into the Role he has in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy. ( a Side Note to this, we also know that Bret DeYoung was upset and knew Mark Neuman would be upset that Stephanie, on her own, posted that sound byte of Judge Dunn appointing Kevin Padrick)
So Judge Dunn, Kevin Padrick and Umpqua may be, really more Chummy then they would like the public to believe. And Bankruptcy Whistleblower Husband Bret DeYoung may be alot more "in bed with" Father in Law Summit Principle Mark Neuman then we knew..
The Umpqual Email - Staged Event..
With those eMail Communications between Umpqua Vice President Brad Copeland and Umpqua CEO Ray Davis it just does not make sense that this happened after Umpqua Filed for Bankruptcy and that only this email surfaced the way it did...
See .. why are there not other communiciations between Umpqua Executives in house, with Summit, with Realtors, with Mortgage Brokers, Attorneys or anyone really anyone as far as that goes..
Why Just This eMail?
It Makes No Rational Sense.
I mean surely some eMail or correspondence over the last few years would factor in to a "Savvy Investigator" File.. So why this eMail - MAKES no Sense, I Believe it was a Staged Event Period.
What if Judge Dunn, the DOJ Trustee, Obsidian, and the Summit 1031 Principles are really "in bed with" each other on so much more then can even be imagined?
Other Reasons that Make Sense that the Summit 1031Principles
MAY very well, indeed be "in Bed with" Obsidian Finance.
Kevin Padrick was Original Going to Work for Summit 1031 Original and things Oddly Changed, what if Summit Paid them off and Obsidian Finance Group switched sides on purpose to create more money for all the "Bad Guys" from that position.. ??
What if the Summit 1031 Principles made sure that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung got that video of that meeting to ensure that their version of the story was told..???
And what if Kevin Padrick fought that Video with a fiery to make it look like he was really against it all.. yet it was staged for us to expose .. to make it look like Summit was against Obsidian.. I mean listen to the pre-video - that could easily have been staged.. AND we know that Tim Larkin told Stephanie DeYoung how the video should be and "the point is to get the sound"
Yet She was the ONLY One that Got Criminal Charges for that Video, Why?
Kevin Padrick cannot afford to make it seem like he wanted the video out to make it look like he and summit were on opposite sides, so maybe he pressed those charges to get attention to the story .. that he Just did not Approve of those Videos.. and the Bend DA went Right Along with it??? What If it Happened that way.. ?? ....
What Changed Mark Neuman after March 4th 2010?
Why Did Mark Neuman NOT send me a link to the breaking news on the Summit Settlement on March 4th, and well Neither Did Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung as far as that goes. After all this time Mark Neuman Summit Principle sending me links, thoughts, information sometimes even quite demanding as to what I post and when..SO why not That.. ??? I mean you can see in eMails to me that the "Settlement" was what they all wanted so bad and for so long.. so why NOT send me that Big New.. ??
Unless there was so much more to it and he did not want
Mad Dog Blogger Crystal L. Cox all Up in His Business...
Why Else would Mark Neuman be so Brave,
so Comfortable with his situation after 15 months,
and after the 16.5 Million Settlement on March 4th 2010.
I believe Mark Neuman was comfortable and went back to his Old Asshole Self because he felt and was reassured by someone that he was in the clear. And he was ready to take back the reigns of his life, take charge of His Women Folk and get back to the business of the Life of Mark Neuman, Mega-Millionaire ....
You can tell from eMails that Mark sent me that he thought of me as friend, What Changed?
You can see that he was like.. Yeah Crystal, and even fed me stuff, and then after the Settlement it was Screw you Crystal.. and then he went to deal with STOPPING the Friendship I had built with his Bankruptcy Whistleblower daughter Stephanie DeYoung, Why?
Makes no sense really, I had never even met her.. and was certainly not brainwashing her. He fed me information on the family and all the relatives and then convinced her mom that I knew to much about everybody.. yet he was the one who told me.. you can see in eMails..
The Other 3 Summit Principles - Lane Lyons, Tim Larkin, and Brian Stevens... Well .. During 15 months and though it was Obvious that I was Fully Capable of getting their Story out, well the Other 3 Principles of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy never emailed me their story, did not email me links - did not draw my attention to anything.. Why? I mean it was obvious I was no part of this and just telling the story so why not send me ANYTHING? Why not Get Heard?
Other Reasons that May Factor in..
Why Did the Bend DA, Kevin Padrick only charge Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung with that video When those Attorneys are Smarter then that, they knew that ALL in the Room Knew, including another Attorney - Terry Vance.
Maybe the Bend DA and Kevin Padrick Staged that?
I mean Summit had been rumored to be in bed with local officials on many developments, so why would the Bend DA do this Criminal Charges game with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung... Really and
Why only Her ????
Why after 15 MONTHS and NOT Before the 16.5 Million Dollar Settlement HAD the FBI failed to Interview who seemed to be the book keeper, accountant, a manager of many LLC's - an Insider - a Daughter of one of the Principles, and well a Very Important Interview?
Also other Investors who are pressured to turn over millions have called me and told me that they too have not YET been interviewed by the FBI.. so how in the World is it that Mark Neuman feels he is so In the Clear that he has not only turned on me, but is making active steps to contain information daily to Protect his Ass.. on all this. the biggest one being shutting up his own daughter - Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung - and using her Husband, Bret DeYoung to help him do it...
Is the FBI agent in on it?
Did the FBI Tell Stephanie she was Guilty of Money Laundeering to Scare her.. yet did not say this to other Principles to Scare them ??? WHY?
Is there an FBI payoff somewhere? Who Knows.. The Scandal is certainly widening daily and NOTHING would surprise me NOW...
Some Ideas and Thoughts..
Summit has connections in Colorado, there is so much around the Obsidian Finance Group - Obsidian Renewables deal that does not add up..
How did this jump up into the middle of all this.. ???
Maybe Summit 1031 has Stocks in PV Powered or that Colorado Energy Company that Bought it..
Maybe Summit 1031 gets some profit or something from Obsidian Renewables.
What Real Connections do the Summit Principles have to PV Powered or the Energy Company that Bought it? I believe there is a lot more to that story..
So What if the Creditors Never Did have ANY independent Representation, Support or Advocate and only Big Money in bed with Big Money to Keep them Down and to Play High Finance Games with Each Other... and Benefitting Each Other.. ???
It is a VERY High Possibility that One or ALL of the Summit 1031 Principles, Umpqua Executives, Judge Randall Dunn, Steven Hedberg, Obsidian Finance Group are all "in bed together".
They all knew that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung did not know all this stuff and so they kept messing with her to create an illusion, and to play me into it to getting the Summit Illusion heard from the Rooftops.
I mean Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung is low man on the totem pole in this one, so why was she taking ALL the heat and pressure, criminal charges, the only one to be videod in deposition and more constant harassment.. why just her?
I NEVER did hear from other Summit Principles,
Lane Lyons, Tim Larkin, and Briand Stevens.. Why?
Why Did Summit 1031 Principle Mark Neuman
Get So Brave after 15 Months of Kissing My Ass?
So Much Does not Add Up that It makes My Head Spin...
More Inside Information on the Summit 1031 Bankrupcty at
posted by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
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